I had a great week.  I stayed pretty much on track, other than last Saturday night when we went to our neighbors and I had THREE glass of the delicious sangria my neighbor made.  Three days last week I had 18k steps or more.  I finished through Day 3 of Insanity, drank a lot of water, and only saw a dip in the scale of .2.* But that’s when you have to dig deep and stay the course.  It would be easy to say F*uck it and just eat whatever, but if I did that I’d wake up a few  months from now back at 180 pounds.  #thanksbutnothanks   (*I always forget to mention the disclaimer – thanks MM for mentioning it – WW would let me know about it too 😀 *people following the Weight Watchers program can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week).

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I am telling myself the same thing I would tell anyone else – what you did the previous 7 days isn’t automatically going to show up on the day of Weigh In.  So it’s all good.  That being said, my total weight loss for the month of June is 2 pounds.  So July I hope to triple that amount.  I am still only 14 pounds from the 140s!  It would be amazing if I could get there by the end of the summer.  Then I’ll only be 15 pounds to my goal of 135 😀

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I still had money left on my Corner Bakery card, so picked up egg whites and a large fruit cup.  I added the Ranchero scramble on top (1 point for 1/3 cup), but you may think “wow, that doesn’t look like a large fruit cup!”  And you would be correct.  I mean, technically it was free because I used a gift card but I don’t think that’s $7 of value for egg whites and that tiny cup of fruit.

I was all set to go to the Weight Watchers meeting, and then right when I was about to leave, my boss just got to work and had an emergency that I needed to stick around.  Dangit.  I really wanted to go because the topping was Letting Go and I felt I had a lot to share.  But, I’ve got an eye doctor appointment on Saturday and I’ll be up early so I am going to go to my old meeting – hopefully my old leader Marci will be working 😀

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My sister was stuck at work too, so I just walked to Mariano’s at lunch to get stuff for my dinner later, and then made this wrap – which looks ass, I know, but it tasted amazing.  The problem is that my lavash may be a week (or two!) past the sell by date, so while it tasted okay, it was a bit dry and hard to roll.

But the star of this sammie is this Jennie-O turkey.  I was sent this turkey as a Jennie-O turkey ambassador a couple months ago, and I’ve been buying it ever since.  It’s in the refrigerated meat section – I buy mine at Wal-mart.  What I love about it is that you can cut it any way you like.  Thin for sandwiches, thick with mashed potatoes and green beans, or because it was the tail end of my portion, I cubed it and made a buffalo turkey wrap.  Yum.

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I bought beef for dinner, so even though I worked late and wouldn’t be eating my dinner until 9:45 p.m., I needed a train snack, so I ate two apricots – which were delicious.  I cannot remember the last time I even ate an apricot!  And then a giant honeycrisp apple and a giant water.  I bought that bottle of water for the bottle only – its 30 ounces and I refill it at home for the train to work and refill it at work on the train ride home.

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No rest for the weary!  Yesterday was 25 Abs – I am really trying to concentrate on my core – as that’s where all my weight likes to lay like a blanket.  I really pushed myself – that’s one thing I have promised myself – if I am taking the time to do the workout, I have to give it 100%.

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This is the package I bought from Mariano’s, although I am not sure that the cut I got is Prime rib because it was extremely lean.

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I used 4 ounces of the beef and made a side “hash” of baby canned new potatoes, mushrooms, zucchini that I cooked in 1 teaspoon of ghee and this seasoning.  I first used this Rub with Love seasoning at The Chopping Block and it’s delicious.  I made sure to brush the hair off the container before I used it – #sorry 😀  You can check out that link to see where to buy it – we sell it at both locations at The Chopping Block, and you can find it on Amazon.

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Not the most colorful dish I’ve ever put togehter, but it was delicious.  The meat was super tender and the rub seasoning was so flavorful.  I finished eating dinner at 10 p.m.!  

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Oops, the pictures are out of order, but you couldn’t go a day without seeing an after Insanity selfie, right?!  And one day I’ll have a cabinet above my refrigerator – let’s just ignore that for now.  And the bags in the back room, that have been there for a few days – they belong to Hannah and I keep forgetting to ask her what the destination is for them.

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While I wish I could say that I have a four day weekend coming up because of the 4th of July, sadly my office is open on Monday.  Oh well.  My Mom is coming over on the 4th, but other than that, I don’t have any plans, although I am looking to made a day trip somewhere – maybe Starved Rock for some hiking?  Pack a lunch and just take off?  Who knows!  

I am footloose and fancy free – and it’s a great feeling.  Happy Friday – have a great weekend!