You guys know after all the YEARS I’ve been on Weight Watchers that I’ve always loved the program.  Um, it’s just that I never followed it exactly.  I always tried to “cheat” the system, to somehow eat the same way I did that got me overweight, but somehow sprinkle those cheat meals throughout the week, just work out more and somehow the scale would move.  I believe in 2016 I lost and gained the same 5 pounds every.single.month.

I’ve realized that obviously doesn’t work – I am like a hamster on a spinning wheel wondering why the scale wasn’t moving.  It’s not been a perfect year for me, but I am embracing this lifestyle and hope by the end of this month to get back down to the 20 pound weight loss.  My goal is to get to goal by the end of the year – not so I can be “done” but I seriously want to stop paying WW my monthly fee! šŸ˜€

They have a new program that they announced to the Weight Watchers Ambassadors – “Better Together!”  They sent me these bracelets that Hannah and I are sporting below.  I didn’t work out last night because I was making stuff for a BBQ I am going to tonight, and since I didn’t go, neither did Hannah and Jacob.  So better together it is!  If I have to be the one to suggest going to they gym so they will go too, that’s what I will do – Better Together!

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I have a special referral link if you want to joint Weight Watchers, are have someone in your life who is interested.  Just click on this link for more details, but if you sign up before October 31, you get an extra $20 bucks to shop on their online store.

Our Chicago weather is feeling more like fall than summer, and I am loving it.  Well, and my ComEd bill is loving it too.  Yesterday I made oatmeal, but that’s a shit ton of carbs for me – oatmeal and fruit.  So I decided to add a scoop of Premier Protein chocolate protein powder to not only boost the protein (30 grams!) in my breakfast, but that protein helps my blood sugars not spike after eating a meal like this.   I remember when it was nice not to have to worry about what I ate before I became diabetic, but it’s all good.  Just sometimes I’d like to eat a whole bowl of fresh fruit and not worry about how much insulin to take. 

This bowl of goodness was 8 smart points.  I went to my WW meeting and didn’t eat my lunch until after 1:30 and this kept me full until then.  Well, I did start getting hungry at my meeting, but I knew I’d be eating lunch soon.  Ham sandwich in a Joseph’s pita!

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Only one tiny problem about my lunch.  Um, it wasn’t ham I grabbed out of the fridge, it was . . . Canadian bacon!  At first I wasn’t sure I could make it work, but I cooked it for like 30 seconds, and it was fine – I mean, it’s kind of like ham!  If you haven’t tried buffalo hummus, go get some – I bought it at Aldi and it’s delicious for 2 tablespoons at 2 points.

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No one signed up for night secretary, so I got the hockey puck out of there.  I came home and did Day 10 of Insanity Max:30 – it was Tabata Power and while I wasn’t as sweaty with some of the other workouts,  it was hard – so many pushups!  I can feel myself getting stronger though, so that’s good!

Dinner was already taken care of because Hannah made her favorite crock pot French dip. I know, my nearly almost always vegetarian daughter loves this dish.  But Jacob and I have to take off all the fat of some pieces and only give her the lean meat, which is what I eat anyway.  3 points for 3 ounces.   It’s just a big chuck roast (around 3 pounds) in the crock pot with a can of beef consomme, a can of French onion soup and a packet of French onion soup.  That’s it.  Just set it on low and let it cook all day. 

On the side I made everything but the bagel potato chips.  Six ounces of thin sliced red potato that I deep fried, then tossed in everything but the bagel seasoning, which I am officially out of so I see a trip to Trader Joe’s in my future!  

My plate came in at a delicious 11 points.  

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I didn’t make it to the gym last night (my body thanked me for that!) because I had some cooking to do.  I am going over to my friends house tonight for a BBQ and made mac n chese for her littles, homemade vegan pita bread, and chocolate chip cookies for ice cream sandwiches.  I am going to be making chimichurri marinated grilled chicken pitas, a corn and zucchini saute, the mac n cheese and ice cream sandwiches for dessert.  Just a light meal before weigh in tomorrow!   Their girls are then coming over to my house for a sleep over tonight which should be fun.  

I am actually good – I still have 11 weekly points I haven’t used up and I killed it with tracking and working out this week.  

Happy Friday – make it a great day!