It’s so weird to have such nice weather in February, that it’s hard to figure out how to dress, what coat to wear.  It was still around 40 degrees when I left the house, but by the time I got downtown it was already 52 degrees.  The weird thing is seeing what other people were wearing downtown.   As I was waiting at a stop light, I saw two women standing side by side.  The woman on the left still had her UGG boots on, North Face down coat and scarf on – while the woman next to her was wearing a mini skirt, bare legs, sandals and short sleeved shirt.  I was just fine in my fleece jacket and actually took it off once I was on the train.

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As I do with my weekly meal prep, I baked off a few baked potatoes to use later in the week.  Gotta love a 10 pound bag for $1!  I normally take the potato filling and mix that with the scrambled egg mixture, but I wanted fruit too and used just 2 ounces of the baked potato shell (2).  I scrambled a whole shredded zucchini with one egg (2), then topped it with an ounce of 50% reduced fat Cabot cheese.  6 points for breakfast.

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My twin sister and walking buddy had the day off yesterday, so it was just me on my walk.  I started walking southwest of my office in a different direction than I usually take.  The streets weren’t nearly as crowded in this area (maybe Greek town?!) because of President’s day.  I got about half way through my walk when I realized that I smelled something amazing – and it was coming from an Indian restaurant.  I stopped to look at the menu and saw they had buttered chicken, fresh naan, basmati rice, and all of a sudden I had thoughts of ditching my lunch that I brought.  I was literally standing there thinking “okay, I still have 22 weeklies left before Thursday’s WI, lunch would probably set me back 15 or so points . . .”  The internal dialogue went on for a couple minutes when I decided to walk around the block and see what I decided.

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Yep – giant BLUE BALLS!  For you non-WW peeps, blue dots are shown on your calendar for the day if you eat within your healthy range – which for me is 27-37 points.  It was a sign to just eat the fricken lunch I brought!  Happy to say I continued on, sans the Indian food.  I don’t know if I’ll ever not be tempted by the smell of certain foods (burgers/fries/pizza/Indian food/Greek food/Italian food . . . !)  I was saved from making a poor food choice by blue balls!  Never thought that would happen to me! Smile with tongue out 

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And I packed a delicious lunch!  Baby pork tacos – 3 mini Mission corn tortillas (3) three ounces leftover grilled pork (3) topped with red cabbage and salsa, cucumbers carrots and apple and not shown, 1/2 a serving of tortilla chips so lunch came in at 8 smart points.  And was delicious!  I found this mini tortillas at Wal-mart – a package of 24 was only $1.79.

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I worked a bit late and missed my usual train, but had time to walk around for about 30 minutes before catching the 6:00 p.m. express train, which got me home in :57 minutes – nice!  I can’t help but walk through the French Market which is below my train station.

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I had my banana and an 1.5 ounce of my Cabot cheese for a snack for the train ride home (3), but I would have given my right arm for this thing of beauty!

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“Delicious milk chocolate cup filled with chocolate moose, topped with fresh fruits and glaze.”  #swoon  Pretty sure that’s insulin worthy!

It was only Monday night and I am already off my meal plan, but in a good way.  I had forgotten I defrosted a small steak over the weekend and never used it, and it had to be cooked.  It had already been sprinkled with Hardcore Carnivore Rub, so dinner came together in a matter of minutes.   After I cooked the steak in my cast iron skillet, I added 1/3 cup sliced mushrooms, sprayed the pan with Pam and cooked them for a couple minutes.  Then added 1/2 teaspoon butter, 1/2 teaspoon flour and cooked that for about 30 seconds, then added 1/2 cup of beef broth and cooked until the pan sauce thickened, just a couple minutes.

My twin sisters daughter Claire LOVES boxed mashed potatoes.  I had a small package of potatoes, but I actually made them completely different from the package instructions.

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That package said that there was six 1/3 cup dry servings in the bag, to make 2/3 cup prepared potatoes with butter and milk.  When I opened the bag up I thought, there is no way that there is six servings in here, and sure enough, it was only 5.  So I calculated the whole bag to be 11 smart points.  In a microwave safe measuring bowl, I heated up 2 cups of water for 3 minutes (or until boiling), I added 3/4 cup of unsweetened cashew milk to the water, a teaspoon of Everything But the Bagel seasoning and parsley, and whisked it up.  Each 1/2 cup serving is only 6 smart points, making my dinner just 7 smart points.

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This was literally ready in about ten minutes – perfect on a night when you get home from work a bit late.  That dinner put me at 26/30 points for the day, which left me with 4 points for dessert.  Which you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for the recipe.  My friend Liz reposted a recipe for her blood orange scones – they looked amazing, but with heavy cream a whole stick of butter for 8 scones, I knew I had to come up with a healthy, yet tasty alternative using her recipe as inspiration.  I made 16 baby scones that come in at just 4 smart points each – perfect for a picky plate breakfast this morning with a hard boiled egg and fruit.

Hope you had a great start to your work week – here’s to having a great Tuesday!

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