I believe I left off yesterday’s post stating that I wasn’t sure how my WI would go after such a big one the week before.  But I knew I had followed the plan, stayed away from my beloved wine, etc.  So I was very happy to see a –1.4 weight loss!

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That brings me to –5.2 in two weeks (and a total of 8 pounds since I started WW last spring).  We’ll just ignore the part in the parenthesis Open-mouthed smile

I went to the WW store before work just to weigh in, but planned on heading back to my normal lunch meeting at 12:30.  But my boss was back, needed something right away and I finished what I had to get done at 12:29 – the meeting started at 12:30.  But my twin sister and I have a pact of not missing a meeting this year, and I didn’t want to blow that in just the first WI of 2017, so I jumped in a cab and paid $4 to get there at 12:35.  Hardly missed a thing!  I love the leader we have – she’s super funny and upbeat, which I love.

My breakfast was delish – my lunch?  Not so much.

Breakfast:  my homemade muesli bread with sugar free strawberry jam (5) egg (2) 1/3 cup cottage cheese (2) and a banana and blueberries.

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I tried to make this kind of spaghetti squash/chicken taco thing, but it absolutely did not work for me.  The squash tasted gross with the salsa on top, so I literally only ate the chicken – I went back and put more cheese on the chicken to bump up the points, otherwise my lunch would have been 3 points – so I added 3 points of cheese and had an apple on the side.

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While I thought meal planning a lot of chicken this week was a good idea because they were on sale, I am pretty much chickened out.  I am pretty sure I’d never say that about beef though!  As I was coming home, with temps still in the single digits and the wind chill making it feel like 10 below, soup immediately came to mind.  I knew I had a bag of potatoes, so I went on Instagram and put in potato soup with every intention of making that.  Until I saw Umamigirl’s easy kale soup with white beans, potatoes and savory broth.  Doesn’t that just sound divine?  I had kale, I had white beans – perfect!

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Until I got home and actually read the recipe.  You know I don’t do onions.  Turns out the kadults used the last of the celery for their soup last night, and I wanted it to be a bit more WW point friendly and reduced the canned white beans by half, and used chicken broth instead of veggie broth, I added more seasoning – you get the idea – so I am giving Umamigirl props for providing inspiration in my soup.  This made 12 cups of soup, so each cup is only 3 smart points – you definitely need to eat two cups though!

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Crappy picture, but delicious soup.  I am probably having that again for lunch today and I’ll have plenty leftover to store in the freezer for next week.  I didn’t put the kale in the soup because I think after it sits it gets all dark green and gross.  I’ll just add fresh when I reheat it later.

While the soup was cooking, I did another YouTube video on my AppleTV – this was a 30 minute cardio one, that had a bit of kick boxing in it.  I worked up a sweat! 

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I wasn’t the biggest fan of the instructor – that picture right there is the only time she smiled during the 30 minutes.  But, it’s nice to switch up a workout now and again.  I ended up with just under 15k steps yesterday.

Here is your Friday Feeling:  “Small daily improvements are the key to staggering long term success.  In order to make the big goals achievable, we must first learn to master the smaller ones.”  – Steve Weatherford

Make it a great day!