I woke up yesterday with a sore throat and a stuffy head.  I haven’t gotten a flu shot yet – that was one of the things Tony and I did together and I mostly got mine so that he would get one, and I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.  I need to do that this weekend.  My first thought on getting up was that I was going to take a rest day.  But then I quickly changed that idea and decided to see how I felt later in the day.  My co-worker gave me Advil Cold gel and that seemed to do the trick.  My sore throat went away and I didn’t feel as congested.  Thanks J!

Maybe my eRecipe book should be breakfast sammies, because I surely am addicted to them.  I think just because they keep me full so long and well, they fucking taste good!  More day old Jimmy John’s (now 3 days old) toasted with egg, spinach, ham and reduced fat Cabot cheese and a bit of chopped romaine on top for crunch.  I am not sure there is a better sight than melty cheese.

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Our temps are going to be near over over 50 degrees the next several days.  Even the geese haven’t flown the coop yet!

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I was forced by my insurance company to get a new meter because they wouldn’t cover the cost as much as my old one.  This one is pretty technical.  It keeps giving me notes like “your pre-meal numbers have been consistently high.”

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But those numbers are right where I want them to be before walking at lunch.  Stupid machine doesn’t know that.

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I wasn’t sure how windy it might be even with 50 degrees, so I wore my scarf just in case.  I ended up taking it off half way through my walk.  The sun shining on my face felt so good!

I went freezer diving again for lunch yesterday.  At first glance I thought it was beef stew – score!  When I defrosted it and heated it up for lunch though, it was just beef, carrots, and celery.  No potato in sight!  Why the hell would I ever make beef stew without potatoes?!  I ended up eating just half of this dish though, because it was kind of a lot of meat.  Tasty though!  I put this on Instagram and the New York Beef Council suggested that I could serve that shredded beef over mashed potatoes, potato spears or even make beef tacos!  All great ideas, but I was at work without my pantry from home.   But a made a note for next time!

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I was feeling better and decided to do Day 3 of my Bizzy Workout – Workout A – back to upper body.  Although I didn’t do the interval runs, just walked the 20 and 10 minutes because I didn’t want to push it too hard.  My after work workout took me just under 50 minutes.

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I realized I had nothing meal planned for dinner because I thought I was going to be out, so as I was driving home I realized I could just make a quick mac n cheese for me and Hannah and I had a leftover steak from Blue Apron that I could cook with him for his main dish, and just a little mac n cheese on the side for him.

I can’t believe I went weeks without having Cabot cheese in the house!  This is a super quick, simple, creamy and tasty dish.

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This is pure comfort food for me.  And while it’s not the lightest mac n cheese, it still tastes decadent to me, and at 433 calories a serving, not too bad.  Cheesecake Factory mac n cheese comes in at a whopping 1400 calories and 97 grams of fat!

Hannah was off yesterday morning so took more pics of the dogs.  Does Roman get cuter every day?  And I love when Rummy’s upper lip gets stuck like that!

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I have to scoot – I have an 8 a.m. doctors appointment this morning.   And tonight I have Cooking Club at Courtney’s house !  It’s mostly an appetizer party – my dish is an herbed goat cheese crostini with roasted grapes, balsamic glaze and chopped Whitley honey peanuts!.  You’ll have to come back tomorrow for that recipe!

I hope you have a great day!  Hugs!