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Caramel Apple Cheese Danish

Caramel Apple Cheese Danish
I had a wonderful weekend.  It was the perfect balance of spending time with family, being bizzy in my kitchen and relaxing.  And while I am sure the rest of the world is all about pumpkin spice season, I will always choose apple over pumpkin.  Honeycrisp apples or Fuji apples would be great for this recipe.  I used honeycrisp. I have a slight love affair...
October 7, 2019

Skinny Mac N Cheese

Skinny Mac N Cheese
I am happy to say I made it a whole week without going to the grocery store – well, except for coffee creamer, but that’s not too bad!  I relied on my pantry/fridge/freezer and it just goes to show that if you think outside the box you can always come up with good eats with what you have on hand.  It’s just that sometimes, dishes...
May 13, 2016

Simple Macaroni and Cheese

Simple Macaroni and Cheese
I woke up yesterday with a sore throat and a stuffy head.  I haven’t gotten a flu shot yet – that was one of the things Tony and I did together and I mostly got mine so that he would get one, and I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.  I need to do that this weekend.  My first thought on getting up was...
December 10, 2015