When I do a Sam’s Club run for work, I invariably find shit I want and throw it in the cart.  While I drool over the box of 24 apple fritters, luckily right next to all the baked goodness is the two pack of Thomas Light Mutli-Grain muffins.  100 calories, 8 grams of fiber = love.  You all know I loves me a savory breakfast sammie – one scrambled egg, Virginia ham, baby spinach and a thick slice of American cheese.  Dietz & Watson had their American cheese on sale for $4.99 a pound – sold!  I think I’ve mentioned it before, but I slice my apples sideways like that – there is hardly any core and you get the most out of the apple.  That was a new to me apple – called Sonya – super sweet and it has a firm flesh.

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It was gorgeous yesterday – 75 and sunny!  Can’t have too many cloud pictures.  I think my co-worker and I were talking too much because our second mile was slower than the rest!

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When I got back I wasn’t really hungry for lunch yet – but then about a half hour later I was starving!  So I put balls in my mouth.  Falafel balls!  I reheated them in the toaster oven and they got all crispy again.

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I was so excited because after work I was going to hit up the outdoor pool at my gym for the very first time this summer!  OMG, the water was perfect.  And I got there just in time because the swimming lessons for the kids were just ending.

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Um, I forgot how hard swimming is guys!  I swam for 20 minutes straight and that was about it.  I decided to hang out and listen to Spotify and just chill out for 30 minutes – it was glorious!  I have to laugh at my sandal tan lines though!  I contemplated trying another 20 minutes after my rest, but as luck would have it, my blood sugar was tanking.  I didn’t even change out of my bathing suit, just got my shit and bought a chocolate milk from the lobby of the gym.  150 calories and 24 grams of carbs – it did the trick!

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I joke with Jacob all the time that I love that he loves cheap meat.  Don’t get me wrong – we both love bone-in ribeyes, filet mignon, etc., but if you know who to cook meat, you can really make some good tasting food on a budget.  My store routinely sells pork blade steaks for $1.99 a pound.

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The pork blade steaks are taken from the shoulder – so they have the full flavor of a pork shoulder, but they are cut thin so perfect for week night dinners.  I just used a dry rub from Q BBQ, and let the pork come to room temperature – since they were thin it only took about 20 minutes.  Then I pan seared them in a bit of olive oil in a hot cast iron skillet – just 3-4 minutes a side.    I let the steaks rest for a couple minutes, and made a quick pan sauce – just 1/3 cup of chicken broth, a teaspoon of Dijon mustard, salt, pepper and a teaspoon of butter.  I scraped the bottom of the pan to get all that delicious goodness.  On the side was new potatoes with green beans.  Klassy!

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These steaks are also awesome on the grill.  But guys, I still haven’t bought a gas grill yet! At this point I may as well wait until the end of the summer when they go on sale.

I did great on my steps, since my swim didn’t count towards my steps:

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Alright, I have to scoot – I have to get into work early today – happy hump day – make it a great day!