I had every intention of walking for 30 minutes before work, but that was before Red, Jacob’s dog, needed to go to the bathroom.  Usually in the morning it’s a quick out to pee and then he runs right back in and goes back to sleep.  Yesterday he seemed to be having some “issues” so he took about 10 minutes.  I thought about just ditching the walk all together, but then I remembered Carla and Roni’s book #wycwhc – what you can, when you can, and instead of coming back inside and making a cup of coffee and checking emails or going on Facebook, I kept my walking shoes on.

PicMonkey Collage - AM walk

I listen to all kinds of music and I usually have it on shuffle so I never know what I am going to get.  But what I’ve learned is that I end up walking to the tempo of the music – fast tempo=fast walk/slow tempo=slow walk.  So now I listen to “Pop Workout” on iTunes radio and I instantly thought of my daughter-in-law because she LOVES Britney.  And turns out, I know most of the words to her songs too.  So it was a short and sweet walk!

I ended up eating breakfast tacos – I nuked some egg whites when I got to work, and just heated up the corn tortillas and topped them with the cooked egg whites, baby spinach, salsa, Jennie-O turkey sausage and Cabot cheese.  For the record, the pre-packaged Cabot cheese I found at Mariano’s is their cheese – just a new packaging they are rolling out through the summer.  Both tacos were 322 calories and 30 grams of protein – bam!

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It was still chilly by the time we were going to go on our lunch walk, but it was 48 degrees and we decided to forge ahead.  This time all the geese were there – they are pretty fearless!  I ran into the group and they flew like two feet away – really?!

PicMonkey Collage - lunch walk

So here’s the deal.  I hate wasting food.  So when Hannah didn’t eat her shrimp for dinner the night before last, I just ran them under cold water to get rid of the pad Thai taste, and that became shrimp tacos for lunch!

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And yes, that is  a lot of hot sauce on top of my cottage cheese side! 

I had back for strength yesterday.  I hit a new PR of 60 pounds on my reverse grip lat down pull – 60 pounds!  I asked one of the teenagers at the gym to take a quick video, and he said “do you want me to start from the back, or focus on the weight?”  I told him he could take creative license!  You can check out the video here – I still have yet to figure out how to embed a video on my blog.  If you are looking for a good strength training program, go to Bitesized Fitness – super easy to follow, even for me!  And she has an app now, which makes it even easier.

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I finished off with 2 miles on the treadmill:

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I ended up marinating chicken to make grilled chicken naan sandwiches for dinner.  I bought a Spice and Tea Greek seasoning mix when I was in Key West.   I took one pound of chicken breasts and mixed 1 tablespoon olive oil with 1 tablespoon of the Greek seasoning, then added the juice of one lemon, and I kept the lemon rind in the bag all day.  I sliced each breast in half, then quickly grilled them for about 2 minutes a side.  While Hannah isn’t the biggest fan of chicken, if it’s chopped up to teeny tiny pieces, she’ll eat it – win for me!

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My store didn’t have any tzatziki sauce over the weekend, so on my way home I picked up containers at my local Italian beef place for .50 a container.  And guys.  It was a sad day in the Bizzy Kitchen household last night.  I had a taste for tater tots, so I picked a bag up on my way home.  And . . .the fryer is dead.  Yep.  I plugged it in, the red light came on and you have to wait for the green light to turn on to let you know it’s at temperature, and I noticed that I was nearly done making the chicken and the green light never came on.  The oil was still stone cold.  I waited another 10 minutes, and realized that it’s time to say goodbye to the fryer.  I went back to see how long we’ve had it, and we bought it in 2009 – here is the first post with the fryer!  I have a sneaking suspicion though that Hannah’s going to buy me a new one today.  She showed me a couple models from Wal-marts website last night and asked me which one I liked better. Open-mouthed smile

I was busy moving boxes at work, and with my walk before work, lunch and after work, I got a shit ton of steps in yesterday!

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Did anyone watch Dave Letterman’s last show last night?  That was one of Tony’s favorite shows.  He DVRd it and watched it the next day, and if there was something funny on the program, when I got home he would play it for me.  I ended up taping it. I haven’t watched the show since Tony passed away, and eventually stopped recording it and let the DVR erase all the episodes he didn’t get to watch.

So the next two days are going to be active rest days for me in preparation of my race Saturday!  Getting super excited about it – it seemed so far away when I signed up in January!  I slept in a bit today so I have 20 minutes to get my shit together.  Make it a great day!