While that could describe me 😀 it will describe this post.  I took exactly six pictures yesterday – that is so not like me!

We have two refrigerators, and invariably the “beverage” fridge in the basement gets some overflow from the upstairs one.  The only problem is that if you don’t go in there for a beverage, you forget what’s in there.   So yesterday morning when I was getting a bottle of water for drive to work, I noticed that I had bought these green peppers – not sure what kind they are, but I asked the guy at the grocery store and he said “they are sweet.”

They are slightly sweet, but they do have a slight kick to them.  So breakfast is egg/bacon/cheese stuffed peppers:  404 calories, 10.8 carbs, 25 protein, 29 fat and 2.5 fiber.

loved that the pepper was still crunchy, yet the eggs were fluffy

So more stuffed peppers for lunch!  This time stuffed with 1/2 cup black beans, 3 ounces beef taco meat, 1/4 cup taco cheese and hot red peppers on top.  461 calories, 23 carbs, 34 protein, 23 fat and 3 fiber.

I may have added fire taco bell sauce after I took this picture 😀

We had waves of storms come through last night, so the computer was shut off all night.  Tony and I decided to order pizza for dinner – I actually didn’t have any of the fixins to make homemade pizza believe it or not – I will be prepared for next Friday though – Tony got a medium meat mania pizza, I got a small thin crust pepperoni and the total was $34! That is enough to buy a jar of yeast, and ten bags of flour 🙁   I had six squares this size – my guess:  579 calories, 64 carbs, 32 protein, 22 fat and 0 fiber.

with pickled jalapenos on mine

One of the secretaries was out yesterday, and my boss had a couple projects that needed to get done yesterday, so I didn’t get a chance to work out, so I have to do something today – if the rain stays away, I may ride my bike outside.

Stats for Friday

  • 1444 calories, 97 carbs, 91 protein, 74 fat and 8 fiber
  • 47% of calories from fat
  • no exercise

Goals for next week: still want to bring my percentage of fat from calories below 30%.  We are in the home stretch for the 101 Days of Summer Challenge!  If you want to jump on my brother’s weight loss train – go here.

In today’s installment of I want that! Blueberry Cinnamon Rolls – all I need is yeast to make these bad boys!

Enjoy your Saturday!