I had to laugh when I started on my walk yesterday morning and my phone pinged and I had a Timehop – and wouldn’t you know a week ago yesterday morning I was walking by the river!  I must have walked earlier yesterday morning vs. last year.  You’ll notice that the dilapidated dock is nearly all gone this year.  Left was yesterday, the right was a year ago.

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Hannah was working so I stopped by her work on my way to work to get my medium cappuccino with almond milk,1/2 a splenda packet and lots of cinnamon.  Karli, you’ll notice I am wearing the necklace I bought from your trunk show – every time I wear this necklace I get compliments on it.  Check out her Stella & Dot page here!

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Breakfast was a Smart Bagel sammie with cottage cheese and fruit.  I bought these Smart Bagels at the store because the were on sale for $1 a six pack and each comes in at 100 calories AND it was an Everything bagel!


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So here is my take on the smart bagel.  Um, it doesn’t taste really that much like a bagel, and while it smelled “everything” it wasn’t very flavorful.  Although I do have an idea to make a panini out of a breakfast sammie so maybe it will have more flavor that way?  But still, for 100 calorie bread for a sammie, it was doable!

I was finally busy at work!  One of the secretaries was on vacation, so I walked into work with a pile of letters and reports to revise.  I cannot even remember the last time that happened!  Before I knew it I had whizzed through 46 letters and reports.  Nice!  It was a gorgeous out – 65 degrees and sunny.  I started with a jacket and after 15 minutes took it off.  I was worried about getting sunburned, you all know what happens to me in the sun, but I was okay.  But  I do need to pick up sunscreen for future walks.

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The afternoon wasn’t as busy, but it did go by faster than normal, which is nice.  Lunch was leftover pasta from the night before last and then I added some leftover shrimp to it.

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Between my walk before work, my lunch time walk and all the walking I did around my office, by the time 5:00 hit I was already at 15,000 steps!  I had back and traps on tap for strength last night, and have now moved up to 40 pounds on my dead lifts – 5 sets of 10 reps each.  When I started several weeks ago, I was only at 10 pounds! 

Since I meal plan, and Hannah and Jacob know what’s on the “menu” if Hannah is home and has time, she will be my sous chef – when I walked in the door at 6:45, she already had everything laid out for me.  Thanks Hanners!  Sorry for the shitty fluorescent light in my kitchen!  Roz, you’ll notice that a couple of my potatoes look like hearts!

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By the time we sat down to eat dinner, I was already at 22,000 steps!  Pretty much killing the fit bit, diet bet, Spartan training – the trifecta!  Ha, it’s only because I was busy at work that I got that many steps in, but I’ll take it!

So you all know how I love cheese.  Cabot cheese in particular.  Not only because they send me free cheese from time to time, but back before I even got stuff from them and I was doing WW many years ago, their reduced fat cheese was amazing – I didn’t miss anything but the extra calories in the full fat version.   Cabot is proud to be a sponsor of an event called “Run Like A Mother!”  

The mission of Run Like a Mother® is to fuel a woman’s journey toward health and wellness. Empower with education and training programs. Inspire with communities, events and races. Enable through programs and partnerships. Run Like a Mother® Isn’t Just a Race, It’s Our Way of Life.

Run Like A Mother® strives to inspire women to incorporate running at every stage of a woman’s life. We are a community of women joined together by the power of running who share a desire to live healthy, balanced lives. We offer support, motivation, inspiration and education. Through merchandising and a variety of communication touch points: the Run Like A Mother mission extends well beyond race day. It’s who we are, it’s what we do.

The closest race to me is in Hinsdale, which is over an hour away from me and with a start time of 8:30, not sure that’s happening.  But while I can’t run my local race, my friends at Cabot have offered my readers $5 off registration if there is a race close to where you live.  All you need to do is put CABOT5 in the coupon code when checking out.

Tony’s sister and I are walking her first 5k in May, so this Sunday we are going to do some trail walking to get her endurance up – up until now she’s only walked a mile at a time, but just like anything, practice helps you reach your goals!

So does anyone have any bets to see if I’ll make it to 23,000 steps today?!  Make it a great day!