I ended up having the other half of my breakfast baked potato yesterday.  Still so filling and delicious!  These pictures are kind of crappy because I was messing around with my camera and forgot to lower the ISO, so tey are a bit grainy. 

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Since I was going to Tony’s doctor appointment, I had to work through lunch.  I had so much beef stew leftover, that I shared some with my boss.  I ended up bringing the dinner rolls I made the night before last. 

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I ended up putting the rolls in the toaster oven just to warm them up and added a bit of butter on top.  My initial thought was that these rolls were too sweet, but eaten with the savory beef stew, I really liked them.  My boss?  She ate three rolls!  So I decided to share the recipe.  What’s great is that you could actually make these on a weeknight – it took about 40 minutes from beginning to them coming out of the oven.

  • 1 cup (plus 2 tablespoons) water
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 TABLESPOONS yeast – I know it’s a lot, but trust me
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg
  • 3.75 cups flour (I used bread flour, but I think regular flour would be just fine)

Heat oven to 400 degrees.  Spray a 9 inch cake pan with Pam.  In a stand mixer, mix together the water, oil, yeast and sugar and mix for about 30 seconds.  Let it sit for 15 minutes.  The yeast should be foamy after that time.  Mix in 2 cups of the flour, the salt and the egg and mix until the egg is combined – I had to mix this part on a pretty high speed.  Then lower the speed and add the remaining flour.  I ended up having to add the extra 2 tablespoons of water to get the dough the right consistency.

I wanted to make a dozen rolls out of the recipe, so I weighed the dough and each portion ended up being 2.6 ounces.  I rolled each piece of dough to make it smooth on top, then added it to the cake pan.  They will almost touch in the pan before baking, that’s okay.  Let the dough sit 10 more minutes, then bake for 15 minutes.

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If you like Hawaiian rolls, you’ll love these.  I also think these rolls would work well with spicy pulled pork to make sliders.

We ended up getting home from Tony’s doctor appointment around dinner time.  He was tired, so he took it easy and I ate dinner solo.  So if it’s not Friday night and I am eating solo and making pizza, you know I am going to eat some type of Mexican food!  I ended up making beef tostadas – this looks like a lot of food, but I only actually have 2 tablespoons of beef on each tostada, the rest is veggies and 1/4 of an avocado.

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I used to hate buying avocados because I never picked them right – and at sometimes $1 a piece, that’s a gamble.  I found this trick on Pinterest – if you take off the “stem” part of the avocado and it’s still bright green, your avocado is fine.  If it’s dark brown, it’s over ripe.


Here was my avocado:

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I put this picture on Instagram yesterday – if you have tried getting your eyebrows threaded vs. waxing, I totally think it’s worth it – I know they have kiosks in malls, but I get mine done at Walmart at a kiosk called Seva Beauty.  It costs $8 and takes just a few minutes – and yes, it’s painful, but it’s short lived and my eyebrows look fine the next day vs. when I get them waxed.  I used to get all these bumps where the wax was and they would stay red for days like someone punched me in the face.  And it lasts for a good three weeks before I see any growth coming back.

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The only downside?  They keep asking to do my lip and chin “for only $7 more.”  Um, I don’t have any hair on my lip or chin thank you very much!  Or maybe I do and I am not wiling to admit it?!  The things we do for beauty!

It’s going to be an overcast, rainy day today – I think our high temp is only 41.  At least it’s not snow, right?!  Make it a great day!