It’s funny you don’t really think about stuff that you have all the time until you decide to take it away.  My “cleanse” has nothing to do with caffeine, its all the sugary shit I put in my coffee!  And look what’s out now??!!


Um, not sure about you guys, but I’ve already fallen in love with all things pumpkin!  I am not worried, I know I’ll bring the sugar free version into the house after my cleanse is over.  But holy yum.

So I put on my Healthy for the Holidays Facebook page Sunday that I would be switching things up – the biggest thing was getting up and getting my ass to the gym.  I purposely put that out there because I didn’t want to look like an asshole when I wrote to you today that I didn’t get up.

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I was at the gym by 7:20 – I was actually surprised at how much traffic there was that early – who knew?  It normally takes me 25 minutes to get to work, but it took me 35 yesterday morning.

For my pre-workout fuel I had a handful of almonds and 8 ounces of this drink – I bought it at Whole Foods because it was on sale – it was on the sweet side, but it was the right amount of fuel I needed.  My insulin reacts differently when I work out in the morning.  Loving the fish sauce in the background – ha!

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It was dark when I left the house, but the sun started to rise on my way.

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I ended up doing 35 minutes of back exercises, then finished up with 30 minutes on the StairMaster.

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I had every intention of heading back to the gym for a nice swim or bike ride, but a work project took me out of the office for two hours – the same two hour window I work out in.  It was too late by the time I got back, which made me all the more happy I got out of bed.   At least if I get a good workout in before work, if something gets in the way of my plans, I don’t freak out as much!

I have a new lunch bag that I am loving.  It’s pretty big, could probably fit a couple six packs in there – but I like that it holds all my containers and shit.  I just put in two flat freezer bags, and all my stuff stayed cold all day – even my apple when I felt it at 4:30 in the afternoon!

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Even though it was treat day at the office, and I actually brought stuff, I didn’t have one lick.  Not one!  That is HUGE for me.  I might not take a whole piece of something, but usually half a donut, or muffin.  Those are those mindless licks and tastes that never seem to get written down!

I made Renee’s pumpkin scones with cinnamon glaze – they smelled so good!  There was only one left at the end of the day, so I hope they were as good as they looked.

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I however, stuck with my plan and had my version of the beef and sweet potato hash I had at the Beef Counsel weekend.  I found these sprouted tortillas when we were at Whole Foods.  While they kind of looked like ass, I was pleasantly surprised that I loved not only the flavor, but the texture – a bit chewy?

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I made mine simple though – 4 ounces diced sweet potato, 4 ounces diced lean sirloin steak that I sautéed in 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil and 1/2 teaspoon cumin, salt and pepper.  I added some of my tomatillo salsa to the taco – and the combination of the salsa against the sweet potato was amazing!

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I was way too hungry after working out to take a decent picture, but trust me, this is a winner!  The strawberries in the back were delicious too – are we coming into strawberry season?

Lunch was delicious – I didn’t even miss the tortilla chips I usually have on the side for dipping!  Leftover Cincinnati Chili over a cup and a half of spaghetti squash.

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My goal was to drink a gallon of water yesterday too – my cup at work is 24 ounces – there are 128 ounces in a gallon.  I have a water app on my phone, and I had 4 cups at work so I only had to drink 36 ounces last night after dinner – no problem. Open-mouthed smile

I had BLT burgers on the menu, but my plate was a bit different from Tony’s.  I didn’t have a bun, and I had raw jicima “fries” and spicy cucumbers on the side.  Peggy, I love this mustard hot sauce – thank you!  The lettuce was on the bottom and I had bacon and diced tomato on top.

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Wait, it’s missing something?  Mustard!  Ah, that’s better.

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My evening snack with my tea was an ounce of unsalted almonds.

Stats for the Day:

  • 1560 calories, 143 carbs, 117 protein, 58 fat, 31 fiber
  • A- grade on Calorie Count
  • 33% of calories from fat, 30% from protein and 36.5% from carbs
  • 35 minutes of back strength, 30 minutes cardio StairMaster

Alright, time to go into the dark and head to the gym.  BBBRRRRR!!!  It’s only 28 degrees – not ready for the cold yet!

Make it a great day!