But before I get to that, I took Ed on a walk this afternoon.  I feel bad that when its cold outside, I rarely take him for a walk when its cold!

Here’s how he looks like in action:

He's a dog on a mission!  I liked how this photo came out!
He's a dog on a mission! I liked how this photo came out!

 So we walked to the river – the channel is almost all frozen!


So it was kind of chilly when I got back, so I decided to make a fire in the wood burning stove – it took a couple tries, but I got it going without Tony’s help! 


Okay, so remember how I said that my local grocery store was closed yesterday?   Well, I didn’t get any mozzarella cheese, so we ended up ordering pizza!   Here was my first go-round, then I went back for two smaller middle pieces. 

with splashes of Tabasco and crushed red pepper!
with splashes of Tabasco and crushed red pepper!

So we ended up playing Scene It  – the DVD version.  Hannah was worried that she wouldn’t know many movies, but she did great!  Tony eventually won though!  He’s off watching college football now, and Hannah and I are just about to watch Fargo! 

Hope everyone has a nice night!  See you in the morning!