It was a sad Halloween for Bizmoto.  First the lack of participation at work with dressing up.  Yes, four others dressed up, but there were no awards or prizes.  Awards and prizes are my motivation!

Because of this ho-hum attitude about dressing up at work, I have to tell you that I went kind of half-assed.  I ended up being an “Iron Chef!”

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I dressed up like a housewife, curlers in my hair, but had an apron underneath my bathrobe, and held an iron while I grilled hot dogs for part of our pot luck.

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I made barbecue pork, but after looking at how it cooked down, wasn’t sure it was going to be enough, so I picked up some hot dogs on the way to work. I scored – Ball Park Angus hot dogs were in the discount bin – 75% off of $5.99! Open-mouthed smile  Lot’s of fixings and side dishes:

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Crack dip = taco dip!  Somehow I found a seat right in front of that dip! Nerd smile

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My plate:  bbq pork sandwich with cole slaw, some potato salad, asian chicken salad and some raw veggies.

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So while the work Halloween didn’t meet my normal standards, I was excited to come home and hand out Halloween candy!

My Dad LOVED Halloween.  He would put out the scary mat so when kids stepped on it, it would howl.  He even hooked up a video camera on a tri-pod so that he could show my mom the trick-or-treaters costumes that she missed when she was at work.

Sachmo was his favorite though.  He dressed this guy up our bannister with this character so the kids could see it from the front door.  I wrote about it in a post back on October of 2008 if you want to check it out.


So I got home, it was still light out and I ran in and asked Tony how many trick or treaters we got!  The answer?  None.  Huh.  He said he saw two Mom’s with strollers and a couple little kids and a group of five teenage girls.  Not even my neighbors who have 4 kids came over. Sad smile

There was still time though!  I forgot to defrost pork chops so I didn’t know what to make for dinner when Tony reminded me that we had cheese tortellini in the freezer.  He also stopped by Sam’s club to pick us up some coffee – I always pour the coffee beans into an air tight container.  It’s kind of noisy and I heard Tony say something and I ran into the room because I thought there would be kids at my door!

Nope.  All Tony said was “it sounds like you are popping popcorn!”

By the time we ate, it was completely dark. 

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I left our outdoor light on until 9:00.  Still not a single one.  So it really didn’t feel like Halloween to me at all.  I love Halloween, but now it only means that I’ll be listening to Christmas commercials starting tomorrow!

I did text Hannah because Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler was running 24/7 on the Family Channel.  We had the VHS of that, and Hannah watched it all the time.  When we moved out of my parents house when she was 5, she decided to leave it there.  And nearly every time we went to visit, she’d ask if she could watch it, no matter what the season. Open-mouthed smile

hocus pocus

And while my goal was to get 16 miles before work in on the bike, traffic slowed me down again, but I still got 10.01 miles in – 40 miles to go in the next two days – I know I can do it!


I loved reading about all your favorite costumes you wore growing up in yesterdays post – that made my Halloween day!

It’s November 1, so I decided to weigh in. I haven’t weighed myself since October 1!  I was 173.5 pounds then . . .

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I lost 3.5 pounds last month.  I know I can do better.  I need to lay off the wine and the night time snacking – those are my goals for November! Open-mouthed smile

Off to the gym, I have to knock out 10 miles again before work and 10 miles at lunch! 

Hope you had a great Halloween!