It’s so hard to get up when its still dark outside, but by the time I took Ed on his 1/2 hour walk this morning, the blanket of clouds lifted and its a beautiful sunny day!  And it felt like fall again this morning – about 50 degrees. 

Yep, more tree pictures.  The yellow ones are my favorites.
Yep, more tree pictures. The yellow ones are my favorites.

When I got back from our walk, I made dinner in the crock pot – pot roast/potatoes/carrots.  I have it on low (10 hours) but for some reason our crock pot runs hot, so I may have Hannah turn it off when she gets home from school.

Then I made my breakfast, made my lunch, folded the laundry that was in the dryer and put another load in the dryer, got dressed and out the door!  I dropped off dry cleaning on my way to work, and picked up some batteries for my camera at Walgreen’s.  I bought Duracell Power Pix, which says that you can get twice as many digital pictures – we’ll see!


  • 1/2 egg bagel
  • 1.5 ounces deli ham
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 ounce swiss cheese
  • 2 ounces raspberries
395 calories, 16 fat, 40 carbs
395 calories, 16 fat, 40 carbs

Plan to do Jillian’s program at lunch.  I contemplated running outside since its so nice out, but I left my iPod at home. 🙁

See you at lunch!