You all know I love all things Mexican.  Given the chance I think I would have tacos every day. 😀  At the store on Saturday I noticed tiny corn tortillas – I much prefer corn tortillas to flour ones.  And the fact that I could get 4 for three points sealed the deal – well, that and the price – 4 dozen for $1.99!

I decided to make spinach, black bean and corn mini tacos.

  • 4 mini corn tortillas (3)
  • 1/4 cup black beans, (canned that I rinsed) (1)
  • 1/4 cup canned corn (canned that I rinsed) (1)
  • 1/4 cup egg whites (1)
  • 1/2 cup baby spinach, chopped (0)
  • 1/2 ounce cheddar cheese (1)
  • salsa, cilantro and jalapeno (0)
  • 1 tsp. olive oil (1)

In a small skillet I sauteed the black beans and corn for a couple minutes.  Then I added the egg whites and cooked until they were no longer runny, about 2 minutes. Then added the baby spinach and cooked until it was just wilted.  I nuked the corn tortillas for 20 seconds, just to get them pliable.

I divided the cheese among the corn tortillas, then divided the black bean, corn mixture among the tortillas, then heated up the 1 tsp. olive oil in the same pan that I rinsed out.  I used Pam too – just fried until they were crisp on both sides, about a minute and a half on each side.

I served with cilantro, jalapeno and salsa – after these pics were taken I tucked each taco with jalapeno and cilantro – a filling and quite tasty 8 WW point breakfast.

This post is short and sweet.  You know, like me. 😀

We are off to have Tony’s out patient surgery to get his wound vac put in.  Hoping that this will be the final chapter of this book, and we can turn the last page and move on.  Thanks again for all your not only your virtual high fives for my last weigh in, but your continued support as we try to get Tony healthy.

It means more to me than you’ll ever know!  Hugs, and have a great Monday.  And in case you need a little motivation this week, my friend Amy posted this on Facebook: