This weekend went by in the blink of an eye!  I had a party on Friday night, my fitness test at the gym Saturday morning. twin fest yesterday.  It was a blur!

Yesterday when I woke up I felt thinner.  I have no idea why, but I contemplated getting on my Zero Scale yesterday morning but decided not to because Monday is my WI day.

This morning?  I felt fat.  I dreaded pulling out the scale and for good reason:

I have no one to blame, but me.  I didn’t work out over the weekend, and my eats were less than stellar.  I also rarely drink water over the weekend, something I need to concentrate on.

What did I eat yesterday?  Pancakes for breakfast.  Um, certainly not Paleo!  But I do have to say that this is my new favorite sugar free pancake syrup – so good!

At twin fest I hate my fair share of chips and guacamole, and as customary, we got deep dish pizza:

And dinner?  Crock pot ribs!

I am confident most of this gain is water weight – I feel dehydrated right now.  But I have to get my ass in gear!  Like my friend Helen, who is rocking this program – she’s lost 8 pounds in 4 weeks!

Off to fix a healthy breakfast and I have Thai curray butternut squash soup for lunch – I’ll post the recipe tomorrow.

Make it a great day!