Tonight’s dinner took a bit of a twist, when Tony realized that he needed to use up a couple avocados we had – so pre-dinner snack was chips and guacamole!Ā  He makes the best guacamole – best part?Ā  No onions! šŸ˜€

I probably had about 7 chips with dip while I was grilling - yum!
I probably had about 7 chips with dip while I was grilling - yum!

I made an appropriate salad for dinner – with actual vegetables!

I am out of Annie's dressing!!  I had to use boring old ranch :(
I am out of Annie's dressing!! I had to use boring old ranch šŸ™

Over the weekend Tony spotted a bean dish that he thought I would like – so we bought 1/2 pound container for $2.Ā  It has a great flavor, definitely can taste the cilantro and lime, but I picked out the pimento – I originally thought it was red pepper!

it made a nice topping to the pork though!
it made a nice topping to the pork though!

We also stopped by the $1 rack at the store on Saturday – look how many tomatoes we got for $3 – only one had to be thrown out -sweet!


Now I am off to make sauce!

with lots of garlic!
with lots of garlic!

Hope everyone had a good Monday – see you for breakfast! šŸ˜€