Hannah’s car had to make a trip to the repair shop yesterday morning, so I traded my over time Tuesday night and came to work late yesterday.  The day definitely goes faster when you don’t to work until 11:15! šŸ˜€

We stopped and picked up bagels on the way home – at Great American Bagel you get 13 bagels for $7.95 on Wednedsay.  Um, check out this one!

Somehow we got 15 bagels, not sure how that happened, but they freeze well.  As I started putting them in the freezer bags, I could tell that some were way heavier than others, so I weighed all 15 bagels.  Yep, call me crazy!  The smallest bagel was 4.5 ounces (which is what I ate at 9 points) and there were two asiago cheese bagels that topped in at 8 ounces!

It helps to have a food scale – it’s the difference between eating a 9 point bagel and a 16 point bagel, which is huge!  And since we are starting into that crazy holiday season, I thought I’d do a quick pre-holiday giveaway.

This scale can weigh up to 11 pounds (why that much, I have no idea!) and it has a “tare” button – which means you could add veggies to your bowl to find out the weight, hit the tare button and the scale goes back to zero so you can add the next ingredient.

I use my food scale on a daily basis, and realize when I don’t my “eye ball” 4 ounce portion is leaning more towards 7 ounces!

To enter:  just leave a comment and tell me one goal you want to reach before the end of the year.  I’ll pick a winner on Monday mornings post.  Good luck!

I was fascinated with all your comments yesterday on the Paleo diet.  So I’ve compromised and decided I am going to give the Paleo diet as close to 100% as I can for two full weeks.  Two weeks with no grain, no dairy, and no alcohol.  I will also be introducing strength training to the mix too – this all starts November 7th so wish me luck.  Until then, I’ll be the woman with a bag of potato chips and box wine. šŸ˜€

I originally intended this dish to be my breakfast, but it looked more like a lunch to me.

Chicken and Spinach Stuffed Pepper

1 serving:  322 calories, 10 fat, 21 carbs, 3.8 fiber and 34 protein (8 WW points)

  • 1/2 yellow pepper, precooked in the microwave
  • 4 ounces raw chicken
  • 3/4 cup tomato sauce (I had no sugar added marinara sauce)
  • 1/2 cup baby spinach
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Italian seasoning
  • 1/2 teaspoon of crushed red pepper
  • 1 ounce fat free feta
  • 1 egg
  • salt and pepper to taste

In a skillet I put the chicken, sauce, spinach, Italian seasoning, crushed red pepper and salt and pepper and simmered it for about 10 minutes until the chicken was cooked through.

I stuffed that mixture into the pepper, leaving room for an egg (the first egg didn’t have enough room and spilled out on my cookie sheet!).  Sprinkle with feta cheese and bake at 350 for 15 minutes, or until the egg is done to your liking.  Sophia, I know you’d bake this for just a few minutes because you love a runny egg!

Tony and I both ate late lunches so we weren’t really hungry for dinner.  We ran a couple errands, got our flu shots and later in the evening I made us a cheese, sausage and cracker plate – definitely a non-Paleo diet dinner!

Alright – gotta scoot to work – have a great day! šŸ˜€