Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway to win Andie’s book – It Was Me All Along!  The winner is. . .

True Random Number Generator  Min 1: Max:  39 Result: 7  Congrats Molly!  Just send me your mailing address to


I am going to figure out how to use a fitbit that someone gave me.

It was so cold yesterday, I decided to stop by Panera and bring in some coffee cake to work.  Aren’t I fucking nice?!  Anyway, she swiped my card and said that I had a free bagel coming – done!  And of course, the everything bagel is the best one ever.  I scooped out most of the inside bread, so that it ended up being 2 ounces.  Cooked up some egg beaters with spinach and a bit of cheddar cheese in the microwave, and breakfast was served – this isn’t calorically too bad – just under 300 calories and 30 carbs.

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Work was a bit slow yesterday so I couldn’t wait to leave to get to the gym.  I ended up doing 2.0 miles at 5% incline.

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Last weekend I had a bunch of potatoes to cook up, so I ended up making another version of my smoked sausage and potato soup, only this time using real potatoes instead of the German potato salad.  My store sells on the German food aisle jarred carrots and celery.  They are shaved and in a slightly brined water, I thought I had a picture of it, but I can’t find it, but in any event, it is .99 a 16 ounce jar, so I just threw that in my soup with the potatoes, chicken broth and smoked sausage.  So flavorful and delish!

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Yesterday was legs for strength!

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I ended up doing squats with a 10 pound medicine ball – just held it out in front of me while I did my squats.  I am up to a 50 pound barbell for my straight legged dead lifts!

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When it got to the lying leg curls machine, I saw that it was on 13.5 and I thought, “I’ll start with that.”  Holy fuck that was hard.  And I had 4 sets of 10 to do!  Between each set I had to get off, stretch my hamstrings and try not to let anyone take my machine in between.  It wasn’t until I was done that I noticed from my angel, all I saw was the kilogram plate weight – I was actually doing 30 pounds, but on top of the plates is an added plate where you can add 5, 10 or 15 pounds to the plates – so I was doing 45 pounds on the lying leg curl machine – no wonder it was so hard.  And no wonder I am going to be a Spartan bad ass!  (ha!)

I finished off with another 2.0 mile walk at 5% incline.  I was planning on doing a 5k, but my blood sugar was dropping – my leg workout took me 25 minutes to complete, so my after work routine was just over an hour.

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Congratulations are in order because Jacob got a job!  He’ll be working at Home Depot.  To celebrate I texted him and said “I am picking up steak!”  His reply?  “Oh shit!”  See, Jacob loves beef just as much as I do.  Long time readers will know that Tony didn’t really care for red meat or pork since his colon cancer surgery, so it’s nice to cook for someone other than myself who will enjoy it as much as I do.  Only problem with indoor cooking is that when I use my cast iron grill pan to get awesome grill marks, well, I smoke out the whole house – it’s not a pretty sight to be choking and barely able to see each other in the kitchen when I cook steaks.  Cannot wait for grilling season!

So I ended up broiling New York strips – not going to lie I was a bit nervous.  I’ve never done that before.  These were pretty thick so I turned my broiler on high and cooked them just 5 minutes a side and let them rest.  I did a small salad on the side, and it was delicious!  I ended up eating half for dinner and plan on making a hash for breakfast this morning.  And yes, I like my meat that rare.  I missed the crust that a cast iron pan or grill pan gives the steak, but it was still delicious – I melted a teaspoon of butter and added a bit of fresh garlic and rosemary to finish off the top of each of our steaks.  Yum!  Hannah had a chicken finger salad!

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I ended up with just over 15k steps yesterday – nice!  Kim, Laura and Andrea are still my stiffest competition!  You may be wondering who is #1 in my group?  Well I got a friend request from a “Dale” so I accepted it, and it’s ridiculous – it says he averages 33,000 steps a day – and I don’t know how to “unfriend” someone on fitbit, so if you know, let me know!

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I forgot to link to my pizza contest yesterday!  So here is the link to vote for my Cheezy Italian Beef Pizza – thank you very much, I appreciate it! 

I am really getting into vacation mode, only one more day of work today and I am off until March 2!  I’ll probably have one more blog post on Monday before taking a week blog break.  You’ll just have to follow me on Instagram next week (mybizzykitchen) to see what I am up to and all the good food I am going to be eating!

So excited because today I am meeting up with fellow bloggers Courtney and Tia!  Well, Tia doesn’t blog anymore, but she did.  We are meeting up for drinks and pizza after work – looking forward to it ladies!

Alright, time to start cooking my breakfast hash and getting this show on the road – make it a great day!