It was another glorious morning for a walk before work – even a bit chillier at 56 degrees, but Kym, you’ll be happy to know that I never even entertained the idea of wearing a jacket. Open-mouthed smile

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Breakfast was kind of a tasting plate – we are getting slim pickings as we end this week before leaving for Mayo.  I thought I grabbed some Cabot sharp cheddar, but I actually threw hard Parmesan cheese in my bag – it was actually a nice salty contrast to the sweet scone and cherries.

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The shoulder exercises were no joke yesterday – it took me nearly 30 minutes to finish the routine.  I bumped up my weights to 8 pounds, which may not seem like a lot until you get to your third exercise, and the 4th set of 12 reps!  Since that took me so long, I only had time to run 1.5 miles.

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I grilled a chicken breast the other night when the grill was going and made a chicken burrito – low carb wrap, Cabot cheese, lettuce, cilantro and just a teeny tiny bit of hot sauce.

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The side is actually leftover rice a roni that I tossed in some salsa – made it taste like Spanish rice!

I had another laugh at that Perfect 365 app – I sent this picture to Tony in the afternoon – ha!  The lipstick makes me look like a clown!

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Even though Tony was still recovering from shingles, he mowed the lawn yesterday.  I swear that man will do just about anything for me NOT to mow the lawn – and it’s a riding mower which is fun!  He greeted my under the gazebo when I got home with a glass of ice and some wine for me and a cigar for him.

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Our neighbor came over and we chatted until well after 7:00 – unpictured was some crackers and pimento cheese that we snacked on (well, except for Tony!) so when we finally came inside, it was a super quick dinner – fish stick tacos!

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And I did great on my mileage yesterday too.  I actually slept in a bit this morning, so no walk before work – and I think after my strength workout I am going to hit the outdoor pool – I have yet to swim out there yet this year!

So it’s my last day of work for a week!  We have a wedding to go to on Saturday (I will take pictures – I am wearing a skirt!) and we leave for Mayo on Sunday.  We appreciate all your continued prayers and concern – hugs!

I forgot some link love this morning!  I had my notes at work and forgot them –

First up, shout out to reader Nancy who sent me a recipe for Sriracha Baked Beans – I cannot wait to make those – thanks Nancy!

Next up is Heather – we’ve met at two Beef Checkoff Events, and she has a list of 20 recipes with beef OTHER THAN GROUND beef – she linked up two of my recipes too! 😀

And new to me food blog – Feasting at Home – probably late on the bandwagon with that site, but I definitely have her grilled chicken shawarma on my short list of recipes to make.

Make it a great day!