Now that the weather is chilly in the morning, I had visions of oatmeal with sauteed apples or bananas.  But then I thought it was too many carbs, and suddenly it was time to leave for work.  I had a coupon and they were on sale, so I picked up some Jimmy Dean breakfast bagels.

Now normally I wouldn’t spend $6.99 (regular price) on four of these smallish bagels, but they were on sale for 2/$7 – and I had a $1 off coupon, so $2.50 total.  So I guess these are worth .62 cents.

The instructions said to defrost at 30% for 1 minute, then cook for 1 1/2 minutes.  However when I did that, the bagel became super chewy and kinda hard at the same time.  What I should have done is that after the initial defrost, continue to cook the egg/sausage/cheese separately, and then toast the bagel – it would have been 100% better I am sure.

I had an unphotograped super juicy plum with this – so breakfast comes in at 7 points.

It was a gorgeous fall day in Chicagoland yesterday – when I left for my bike ride it was 58 degrees, with 10 mph winds.  Holy cow it was chilly at first!  While I love my 10.5 bike route, I am so familiar with it that I know when the steep hills are coming.  Especially the last one, that comes in at about the 9.5 mile point.  I dread the hill.

But yesterday I decided to see how long it took me to get up this incline before it leveled out again.  Guess what?  It’s only 60 seconds!   That’s it!  It totally turned my view around – instead of dreading it next time, I’ll just say “its just a minute – suck it up!” šŸ˜€

Since it was windy, my time was 52:30 for 10.45 miles. šŸ˜€

Lunch was more leftover choup – shared two bowls with co-workers so it’s finally eaten up.   I had 1 1/2 cups (with cheese) for 6 points, along with a small side salad for 4 points, so lunch comes in at 10 points.

I talked to Tony later in the afternoon and he was like “wanna go out to eat tonight?”  Um, yes please!  We went to Wool Street.  I got a turkey burger with grilled zucchini and roasted red peppers and sweet potato fries.  I love the turkey burger at Friday’s, but I have to say I liked this one better.  I didn’t have my camera with me, so thanks Google for my dinner images.

And their beer special?  $2 Sam Adam’s light bottles!

My guestimate is that dinner comes in at 17 points.  The 7 points of beer were worth it though – Sam Adam’s is one of my favorite beers.  Are you an occassional beer drinker?

Stats for Thursday:

  • 34 points
  • 52:30 10.45 bike ride
  • 55.6 miles done of 125 miles in September goal
  • average blood sugar 136

Hope you have a great Friday!  Let’s keep our fingers crossed that tomorrow’s weigh in is better than last week! šŸ˜€