With two secretaries out today, its been so busy trying to get everything done – but I don’t mind, because the day goes by faster that way!
I can’t wait for you guys to see dinner – I am going to call it Southern Comfort. All I am going to show you now is that something is cooking ALL DAY in our oven that is rubbed with this mix:

And then I have a side dish that’s been in my crock pot all day AND another dish that will be cooked in a cast iron skillet. You’ll just have to come back to see what it is! Any guesses?
So lunch today is 1/2 Lender’s onion bagel (the only thing onion I will eat!), 1.5 ounces rare deli roast beef, .6 slice muenster cheese, baby spinach and LOTS of yellow mustard!
With a side of 1 ounce baked Doritos – yum!
And then the last cup of my cauliflower soup, no bread crumbs though!

Gotta run . . .but I’ll see you for dinner!
Thank you for covering while I was home with a sick baby. 🙂
Doritos Rock!
Lunch looks awesome and I can’t wait to see what very yummy thing will be for dinner.. my husband will not be home tonight so I am eating dinner out of a can, I guess every once in a while is ok.
wow, that spice mix looks insane. can’t wait to see the result!
I’m always jealous of your meals! No matter what they are.
beef shortribs? I think that might be right, because you asked me recently if I liked them, or ever cooked them.
i love your dinners! i cant wait to see it!
pork ribs?
That is such a pretty looking spice rub picture 🙂 Lunch looks pretty fab as well.
Being busy is always a catch-22. On one hand you’re running around like crazy but on the other, like you said, the flies by!
Onion bagels!!
I can’t wait to see what you’ve got cooking, that rub makes me think chicken.
Something to do with fish?
Thanks for letting me know Helen – I need to update my blog roll!
I won’t guess since you already told me!
Your lunch looks yummy. AND, the lasagna you made at Christmas that has been in my freezer?
It turned out to be totally deluxe! Easy lunch for me today!
I’m going to guess either a roast or a chicken.
Can’t wait to see it!
cook all day long??? wooo… it must be something really good! Looking forward to see what it is.
I love mustard – the more the merrier! I have no clue what you are making! Meat loaf? Chicken?