I was up at 5:30 yesterday morning.  Yep, a certain Tony someone wanted to hog the bed and I ended up just getting up.  I thought maybe I would try to go back to sleep, but I stayed up and waited until it was light enough to take a walk.

It was gorgeous – probably about 50 degrees, sunny.  I ended up walking just over 3 miles!  I have to say it is an energizing way to start the day with some fresh air. 😀

I don’t bake a lot, typically because I really don’t like sweet stuff.  I know, call me crazy, but if given the choice between a chocolate glazed donut and a salty soft pretzel, I’ll always chose the pretzel. 😀

So I was happy that I baked two delicious treats for a client that was coming in the office.  The first was my sweet potato banana muffins (6 pts. each) and the second was Brown Eyed Baker’s Dark Chocolate Chip Scones.  These turned out really good – not crumbly like scones, but really light – even my boss who said she typically hates scones loved these.  The only thing is that I did need to add about 3/4 cup more flour – it was a sticky mess and I needed to add that much to roll them out.

I also subbed the two cups of heavy cream for two cups of fat free half and half – um, 2 cups of heavy cream is 48 points vs. 7 points for 2 cups of fat free half and half.  Still, each scone was 9 points but I deemed it “insulin worthy” for breakfast!

While she made 24 scones, I ended up making 16 large ones.  Just separate the dough into two circles and cut out 8 triangles.  I ended up making an egg white/cheese sammie on the side for some protein, so my breakfast was 11 points.

I did use candied pecans on the top this time too because I didn’t have any walnuts.  Raise your hand if you recognize this Corelle plate pattern!

I was able to get away at lunch, and because of the blister on the arch of my right foot, I decided to ride the bike.  I started the GPS tracker right as I left my office, biked to the path and back and was just shy of 10 miles in 51:02 – woot!

By 1:30 I had already logged in 13 miles!  So I have a goal of 125.  125 miles in September, whether it be walking, running, or biking.  It’s only September 8 and I have almost 25 miles logged! 😀

Lunch was leftover salad from a work lunch and my Chicken Brunswick Stew.  By the way, if anyone makes this, it freezes really well.  Lunch comes in at 9 points.

It’s funny but I am always looking for new recipes to try, I think Tony would like it if I brought in some of his favorites – I didn’t realize I hadn’t made this since July – but it was delicious and perfect for a fall evening – my Salisbury Steak on Asiago Cheese Bread.  So simple, literally ready in 20 minutes – my plate comes in at 11 points plus.

This time I used half a hard roll for the base – I thought the gravy would soften it up, but it was a bit too crunchy – I’ll stick to sourdough/french bread next time.

And I have to give my OCD daughter props for letting the 6 year old girl she babysits for to paint her nails – Hannah picked out two super light colors for her to use and then Hannah went to put her brother to bed.  It was then that the little girl yelled “I picked surprise colors for you!”

Of course two of the darkest colors, and she had to add glitter – I think she spent about 15 minutes taking it off when she got home, but her nails were still stained blue and red –

Thanks to Shelley I stopped by CVS and picked up some blister bandaids – I didn’t even know they existed!  So much better – I worry being diabetic about my feet – I am so worried about infections – hopefully after a few days it will clear up. 😀

Stats for Wednesday:

  • 3.05 mile walk (47:02 minutes)
  • 9.97 bike ride (51:02 minutes)
  • 31 points
  • average blood sugar 102 (nice!)

For those of you who are in the Holiday Challenge I’ll be posting every Sunday beginning September 10th.  I’ll have all the participants, their goals if they have stated them, and we can cheer each other on during this holiday season – let’s start out strong on January 1, not over!  Jennifer, I am talking to you. 😀

And today is your last day to enter my 3 year blogaversary – good luck!  I’ll pick a winner tomorrow. 😀