I had a my quarterly doctor’s appointment with my endocronologist yesterday – it went great! I had my blood work done and in a couple weeks I’ll know what my A1C is – anything under 7 is considered a controlled diabetic – I am shooting for 6! 😀 My doctor was especially happy with my blood sugar numbers!

I know my friend Nicole would be especially proud of that average – and Gina and Melinda too! 😀 But I had to step on the scale at the doctor’s office, something I haven’t done at home in a while! It was at the end of the day, with all my clothes on, so I decided to weigh in at home this morning and face the music.
In my conversation with my doctor, he casually mentions that someone my height should weigh between 120 and 130. But then he said “let’s just shoot for 10 pounds in three months – can you do that for me?” My next doctor appointment is May 12 – so game on! It’s kind of funny really, because I can be the best cheerleader when I comment on people’s blogs if they are in a funk, the weight isn’t coming off quickly – I think its time to take my own advice – make every day the best it can be – and the string as many of those days together as I can! 😀 (Pep talks would be appreciated!) 😀
And I also showed my doctor my calorie count food log, and he said that I eat too many carbs – one thing Tony has told me forever – so for all the world to hear “you were right Tony!” 😀 He wants me to eat between 110 and 150 carbs a day.
Breakfast was almost a repeat of yesterday – the banana/peanut butter side actually ended up being my fuel for my45 minute walk before lunch – worked out perfect!

I didn’t think we would get our walk in, but it worked out in the end. We did our 45 minute walk in 30 degree weather – so refreshing! We came back to soup and sammies! I brought my BSI celery root/potato soup and we had a ham/cheese sammie on the side in a double fiber English muffin.

My co-worker said “the soup is good, but the topping brings it over the top! This one is a keeper!” Thanks Renee! 😀
So since my doctor appointment was after work, Tony made a beef roast – slow and low in the oven – he put it in at 4:30 and when I got home at 5:45 it was done and ready to rest. He did baked potatoes on the side, and I made a quick side dish of sauteed asparagus – I bring water to a boil – just about an inch, and cook the asparagus for 5 minutes. Then I drain the water, add 1 tsp. of butter, lemon zest and fresh Parmesan cheese – ready in about 7 minutes! 😀

We usually take our meat out at 125 so that by the time it rests and is ready to cut, it is medium rare.

Stats for Wednesday: 45 minute walk at lunch

Oh – and I won the lottery! Okay, not the big one, but I’ll take $20!

Gotta jump in the shower – I am going to make today a great day – whose with me?! 😀
Congrats on all of your accomplishments! The meals all look amazing! Espeically that cheesy sandwich and the soup!
congrats on keeping the blood sugar low…and the scratcher! woowooo!! you can totally shed the 10 lbs in 3 months! just think of all the gorgeous weather that will be coming your way in the next 3 months 🙂
It’s always hardest to take your own advice. You can do it!! Baby steps in weight loss is the best way to go about losing weight and there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll be able to meet your goal.
Congrats on the 20 bucks!! I usually only manage a dollar or two! Happy Friday 🙂
Rah, rah, rah … you can do it! *cartwheels*
I had so much weight loss success when I cut out the carbs but I couldn’t sustain it for long. We all know everything in moderation is the key.
I look forward to seeing you drop those 10 pounds before your next appointment. You can do it!!!
That blood sugar is awesome! I am SOOO proud of you.
It’s definitely good to have smaller goals…10 pounds in three months sounds a lot more doable than thirty pounds at some indeterminate end date. Your eats look so good today! Keep it up 😀
first off, i think its so amazing how you turn every meal into a gourmet experience. my sister wants to learn to cook more delicious, enjoyable meals and i immediately pointed her to your blog! i think if you want to make a few modifications to lose those 10 lbs over the next 3 months, you can TOTALLY make that happen! but you should still celebrate your love for fabulous, amazing food! some people lose weight on eating “diet” food, or processed meals, but you have the gift of enjoying and understanding food better than most!!!
but the 10 lbs, i know you can make it happen! remember when you did the 30 day shred?? i think i did it 3 days, maaaaaaaaybe 5 or 6 before i totally caved. you have SO much willpower and anytime you need a cheerleader, just shout out to us and we’ve got your back!!!
Thanks for stopping by our table and for the great birthday wishes!! I’m glad to know there are others out there that work the whole birthday week angle!
10 lbs in 3 months should not too hard. Do you work out at all?
Although I am not dieting when I started working out I lost 13″ in 3 mos…I was shocked when they took my measurements.
Nicole is very proud of those numbers! Wooo! That is a serious accomplishment! Any type1 with a HbA1c 7% or less I’m pleased with!
I do, however, have to disagree with your doc…and I think I can because diabetes and diet is my thing. NO diabetic should ever consumer less than 130 grams of carbohydrate a day. This amount is vital for proper glucose utilization in the brain and muscles. Less is not always more when your body results in making sugar from protein or fat (gluconeogensis). Am I a nerd or what? 🙂
Good job, Biz!!!!
Thanks Nicole!!
Gah–I commented and then WordPress went down and I have no idea where the comment went now!
The gist:
You can totally do this. You are so organized with your meal planning and your calorie counting that I just know you can do it! It sounds like the visit went great overall, and 10 lbs in 3 months is very do-able!
And 20 bucks?! Awesome!
I should lose 10 pounds too to get back in my healthy weight range. I’ll be cheering you on, for sure!! 🙂
I need to drop ten pounds too. So I’ll definitely be cheering you on! I also eat too many carbs and need to up my protein intake a bit. Which will be tough for me to me! But we can totally do it!
Thanks for your comment on my C25K post. It’s nice to see that someone completed it. I hope I can!
I am 100% with you! Not only on making today a great day, but on cheering you on to lose 10 pounds. With your culinary skills you can do it and enjoy it while you lose a few pounds!
Biz- You can Definitely lose 10 lbs. by May- But, you may seriously want to think about making some less delicious looking food 🙂 jk jk
I will definitely be here to help cheer you on, b/c I must return the favor 🙂
Hope today has been a GREAT day!
Nice way to make a $20!!
congrats on the great numbers- and as diligent as you are about cooking your own meals, working out, etc. I KNOW you can do it!!
Yay for your numbers being great-that’s awesome!!!
Biz if anybody can lose those 10 lbs. it’s you! Your blog is one of the most inspiring that I read b/w all the effort you put into your good eats and the exercise you do. Seriously! Sometimes I feel guilty when I’m reading b/c I’ll just be getting up on Saturday or Sunday and you’ve already posted an awesome homemade breakfast and lunch and mentioned working out and cleaning the house!! hehe I have no idea where you pull all this energy from, but I need to borrow some!
And yippee for the $20 win! The most I’ve ever won on a scratch off was $15.
Yeah carbs are the diet killer, it’s such a bummer since I’d be happy if that’s all I ate.
Is your doctor telling you to take off 10lbs enough motivation? I’m not sure if you are thinking “Oh yeah, game on!” or “Hmm, the doc says to do it, but I don’t wanna do it”
Let us know if you want help with finding that inner reason to shed the 10.
What did you do with the $20? Buy more tickets? 🙂
It’s the first one – game on! in a positive way. But you know what the best part is? My hubby loves me just the way I am, he’s always said “if you want to lose weight its because YOU want to, not because I want you to.”
How lucky am I?! I love you Tony!
Woo hoo! Alright! GAME ON!
you can do it!! i’ll try and remember to stop by and give some pep talks 🙂 if i don’t, it’s not b/c i’m not thinking of you!!
that soup sounds fabulous, and i’ve never tried gremolata, per say…
I am sure you will do great! I have been struggling with my weight loss too so I feel your pain but we are lucky because we have a fabulous support system!
I can say i know a lottery winner now!!!
An A for the day, and 10 pounds is a pound a week… very doable with the right mindset
move your ass more, I think you have the eating [part down pretty good
OK, I can take a hint, so here’s a little pep talk:
YOU CAN DO IT!!! I know from reading your blog that you have already triumphed over many adversities: you did a great job as a single parent, you are now part of a loving blended family, you have a successful marriage, and you’ve already lost a lot of weight. You are also controlling your diabetes, rather than letting it control you.
I have a cousin who ignored her diabetes until she lost a leg below the knee when in her 40’s. I know that diabetes will harm you if you let it, but you’re not letting it win. GOOD FOR YOU!!!
It seems to me like a lot of the biggest battles are already behind you! All you need to do now is to keep on putting one foot in front of the other, keep up with the healthful habits you’ve been cultivating for a while now, and keep your eyes on the prize, which is feeling and looking as good as you possibly can! RAH!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
OK, I’ll put the pompoms down now. Hope you have a great day!!!
You are doing great with managing your diabetes – I am really proud of you! The weight will come off – probably with the lower carb intake, lol. I have to ask – how tall are you?
I have been craving asparagus (I know, how weird) but the stuff out here has been super thick and I don’t like it that way. I bought a grill pan a while back and want to cook it that way…I like to top mine with s&p and a splash of balsamic vinegar.
I am only 5.2″ – I’d be the perfect weight if I was 5.11″ 😀
yay for hitting the lotto! ive only ever won $2 ones.. so you are 18 bucks better off than i am..
i know you can lose those ten pounds!!! its a totally attainable goal..
Congrats on your blood sugar numbers! I know you can do this – especially with the support of your amazing family.
I LOVE scratch off tickets! I get excited when I even win just $2. 🙂
My oldest sister is finally under 300lbs for the first time in probably 15 years! I want to lose the weight but I guess I am focused on other things right now. I only need to lose about 50-60 lbs. So it makes me feel like a big not loser that she is doing so great and I am not losing anything. I haven’t had or made the time to work out. I am trying to get “stuff” done before my SIs in law comes with her family for a week long stay at our house in 3 weeks!!! After that I will focus more on the exercise. SO for now I am going to cheer you and my sis on! YOu can do this. It is one hour at a time. One 32 oz of water at a time and one walk at a time! YOu can do this!!!!
My doctor told me the same thing about carbs, which is when I started eating low glycemic. (I think I had become a carboholic due to marathon training.) For some reason eating that way keeps me under 150g most days.
I love this thought: “Make every day the best it can be – and the string as many of those days together as I can!”
You are a GREAT cheerleader Biz and I’m so glad you’re my “virtual” friend!
I’m so excited for you! You are making this a fun process, not a dreaded one, I think that makes a big difference. Way to go!! ~LeslieMichele
I’m so glad that your blood sugar numbers are good! 🙂
And yes, you can totally lose 10 lbs in 3 months! I know it! And I also know how EXTREMELY frustrating slow weight loss is. I worked sooo hard last year when I lost weight and often lost less then 1/2 pound per week. It was really frustrating at times, but every loss counts, no matter how small! Don’t ever forget that! Baby steps will eventually lead to the goal! Also, I had to acknowledge that my body just isn’t responding the same as it did 20 years ago…
Have a wonderful day! 🙂
You can do 10lbs in three months!
Woot woot on all of your numbers being great!
10 lbs in 3 months – easy peasy!! You can do it!!
Please don’t make me give up the carbs…anything but the carbs!
I’ll make it a great day too Biz!
That’s not a lot of carbs for your WHOLE day? Are you going to cut out bread?!
I’m glad your blood sugar numbers are good though!!
I’ll call you when I get to work!