Down 1.6 this week for a total of 14 pounds – and I was able to wear a size 12 pair of capri pants to work yesterday – that’s about the only good thing about being short – usually losing 10 pounds puts you in a smaller size. šŸ˜€

But then I had to go pick up my insulin – I was going to buy my insulin at Sam’s Club, but they were out and weren’t going to get any more until Tuesday.  I went to my local Walgreen’s to see if they could help – it was $299 without insurance for 5 insulin pens.  But for $20 I joined their Walgreen’s Insurance Program, and my insulin dropped down to $189 – that’s a big difference!

still a bit of sticker shock!

Hopefully this will last me until our insurance kicks in.  Otherwise I might need to do a virtual bake sale to raise money for my insulin! šŸ˜€

Have a great weekend – it’s cool and rainy here in Chicagoland – I think I need to make some bread. šŸ˜€