I hadn’t done Jillian’s shred in a long time and I am feeling it today! I ended up sticking with Level 1 instead of Level 3, but I didn’t do the beginner side so that’s a step up!
Have you seen the new Arnold Thins? I found them at our outlet store – they are rectangular and meant to be “sandwich stuffers.” One side is connected like a hot dog bun, but I cut that and ended up making two mini egg sliders with Chobani and granola on the side:

So at lunch I did a 6.9 bike ride – on the screen it didn’t look too bad, but half way through I remembered this was the ride that had the steady hill climb for over two miles. I rocked it though! 😀 I beat the pacer bike by 2 minutes!
I was a bit sweaty after my workout:
By the way Jen, these are the shoes I won from you – they are so comfortable! So at first glance its not too bad – you may be wondering how the hell I weigh 171 pounds! This is what you don’t see:

That’s how a 5 foot 2 inch woman weighs 171 pounds. Almost all of my weight is in the middle. Kinda drives me nuts because when I do the bike ride, I can feel my stomach with every turn of the bike. So why am I showing you my gut? Because I know its not going to be there forever. I think during any weight loss we are always looking at the prize at the end, whether that be a number on the scale or what size pants we wear.
I am proud that the body above can still ride my bike for miles at a time, can finish a 30 day shred without stopping. It’s the day to day victories that keep me going in the right direction 😀
Lunch was the last of my bbq pork in a low carb tortilla with a yellow pepper and cucumber.

It was so hot and humid, I couldn’t even grill outside last night! So it was burgers and fries inside!
I always put this in my burger meat. If you have a Big Lots by you, they always have this in their food aisle:
I blanched my potatoes, and actually almost overcooked them in the water bath – some of them broke apart when I took them out of the water. But I just threw everything into the deep fryer, and these were probably the best homemade fries I’ve made! Each one was crispy, but just a hint of tender potato on the inside.
I decided to make a buffalo “slaw” for my burger topping. However we were out of blue cheese, so goat cheese had to fill in. I just peeled a carrot and sliced a celery rib thin, added the goat cheese and bathed it all in Frank’s hot sauce 😀
I used our indoor cast iron grill pan:

And since my sister showed her kids back to school shoes, I thought I would share Hannah’s shoe find – she and I have been thrift store shoppers for years – in the early years because we couldn’t afford to shop at retail stores, and now because we love the thrill of the hunt – I can’t tell you how many pairs of jeans Hannah has bought for less than $5, that her friends spend $100 retail!
At Goodwill she found these shoes, brand new with the tags on for $19! 😀
And a big thank you for Tony . . . guess what we watched on t.v. last night?
- Hell’s Kitchen Finale
- Master Chef
- Chopped
We did watch them off the DVR, so they went by a lot quicker, but at one point he looked at me and said “if I didn’t know you I would have never heard of any of these shows!” Thanks for watching BizTV with me last night sweets! 😀
Stats for Tuesday:
- 1620 calories, 159 carbs, 105 protein, 61 fat and 24 fiber
- 33% of calories from fat
- 30 minute Level 1 Shred
- 35 minute 6.9 bike ride
- 10 minute cool down on the bike
And I have a huge favor to ask of my 101 Days of Summer Challengers! I replied to all your emails, and when I moved over some of the emails so I could organize them, I deleted half of your updates! So if you look on the 101 Updates Page on the top, and don’t see a “week 10” by your name, could you forward your email to me again? Sorry about that!
I have the belly, too, Biz. But I’m not as brave as you are to post it!
Love the food pics, always!
wow, great looking meals!
I’m a five one gal myself! I think being short makes us stronger. I had a really good reason for my theory but it has escaped me at the moment. I like your attitude towards weight loss too. It’s not going to be there forever. That is how I look at my body now too. And I am just in so much amazement at all that I can do now. Keep up the good work and you are a great cheerleader to us all and your own self! 🙂
Biz, I love you for showing us your belly! I had to crack up at your expression in the pic b/c you kind of look amazed and put out! LOL! Thank you for being so brave. It was funny you said “the first take isn’t too bad” b/c that’s exactly what I was thinking–I saw that pic and I was like, she’s thin! How is she the same weight as me? Well, the bonus to having it all in one place is that you don’t have to disguise it all over! You can just slap on some Spanx and pretend you don’t even have that little problem. hehe! Man, I know I’ve told you this before, but every time I see your legs I turn green with envy. You have the legs of my dreams! Your calves!!! I love them!
Thanks Veronica! I hope you are getting a lot of BSI recipes this week! I am thinking of an apple sour cream tart – I just bought a tart pan, brand new, at a garage sale for $1 and have yet to use it! 😀
I can’t tell you how excited I am–I’m getting so many I can’t believe it! I mean, not a crazy amount, but I was afraid I’d only have one or two. Your tart sounds amazing–can’t wait to see it!
All those food pics look so great! And great job on your lunch bike-ride! That’s an impressive distance over lunch I’d say, and to beat the pacer by 2 minutes! Do you ride one of the ones with the tv that you can choose a course? Those are the best!
Yes – and I absolutely love it! Since I started at this gym June 1, I am almost up to 200 miles on the bike machine! 😀
First off a big PROPS for showing your belly…I don’t know if I’d have guts to show mine:) But if it helps my stats are 5’9” and 190 lbs. Yep, tall….but still chunky! That is what a baby does to you!
Once again, your burger looks to die for.
i definitely think you are looking better! a lot of people would be shy about posting any pics of them after a workout or their bodies but im proud that u dont and its all about loving yourself along the way. like you said, in time u’ll have a much flatter tummy and be feeling even more fantastic!
mmm bbq pork on a low carb wrap, wouldnt have thought it would look as yummy as it does!! <3
I heard about those new sandwich thins in my Weight Watchers meeting! I just bought the round ones for burgers this week, but I’d love to find those rectangular ones.
That Buffalo slaw sounds right up my alley! Actually, I would love it with the goat cheese too since we are not big blue cheese eaters around here! What else did you put in the dressing?
Just good ole Frank’s hot sauce! 😀
I just remembered a fun shopping tip I learned in college! Stores like Abercrombie & Fitch/Hollister have a few “damaged goods” stores around the country/sections in their regular stores. During college, I bought most of my clothes at one and was able to score $100 jeans/$50 tops for $5 and $10…all I had to do was sew on a new button, stitch a seam back together/etc! There are also some places that allow you to trade in your clothes for store credit/cash…some we have here are Plato’s Closet and the Buffalo Exchange 🙂
Droool…I hope I don’t short circuit anything, looking at those french fries! And I never, ever would have thought to make “buffalo slaw.” (I don’t care for blue cheese, but I think feta would work pretty well!) I love your creativity and your kickassedness at the gym. 🙂 (And I, too, have to deal with the apple shape. Oh well.)
And yeay, Hannah! Thrift shopping takes a little more time and patience, but it sure can be worth it!
I think I am going to steal that word: kickassedness! 😀
You always make me smile…especially with the courage to be “real” in your photos 🙂 I admire your determination. Before you know it you’ll be lifting your shirt to show us that six pack of abs 😉 Way to go Biz!
I love how honest you are!!!!! Most of my fat is in my belly too so I totally feel your pain…but I love:
Because I know its not going to be there forever
You are a brave woman. I couldn’t have shown my gut picture like that. At least you have nice slim legs – I was fat all over (and still have the hefty thighs, sigh). I am so impressed by all the exercise that you have been doing – your endurance is amazing! That gut will be gone before you know it.
You look great, Biz! If you didn’t pull up your shirt nobody would ever see the extra bit of weight you carry around. I missed Hell’s Kitchen last night but got to catch Master Chef and thought of you the whole time I was watching it. I’m not sure why I watch these shows when I can’t/don’t cook but I love watching BizTV too.
How can you beat getting Nike’s for $19. You and Hannah do a great job bargain hunting. I hate paying full price for anything.
I checked the Challenge list and I’m still on Week 6 there 😉 You can get my most recent challenge update at http://finallyfiguringitout.blogspot.com/2010/08/all-my-challenges.html
Have a great night!
Thanks MB!
You go! Keep on doing what your doing. I think it is a complete help to you to track your stats, and that you do this in public, and you do not beat yourself up if you “stray”. You have found a way to balance and get moderation in, and then have variation between your days and you still enjoy food options. I am sure it is a good feeling to be able to work out for long periods of time.
Aren’t those indoor cast iron grills the best? Since I don’t have outdoor space, I cannot live without mine 🙂
Good for you for being proud of the body that you’ve got! You’re working so hard at your weight loss and you should absolutely be proud of the accomplishments you have made :).
– Beth @ http://www.DiningAndDishing.com
Thanks for the tip-off on the new sandwich thins! I will definitely be looking out for those babies!
I love your blog Biz, because I love you and your dedication to health AND tastiness 🙂 I know you will reach your goals, have fun, and look great in the process!
Biz thank you so much for being honest! I think you’re encouraging lots of people to just keep going and keep moving! I’m going to send my little sister your blog…she’s 5’1 and topped out at about 160 pounds after stopping excercise and good eating habits (and this is in her early 20s) and now she’s trying to work it off.
Great find Hannah!! I love finding stuff on the sale racks/at Ross/TJ Maxx and then seeing how much it was in “real life” at the department stores 🙂 Love all those shows, I’ve been sucked into cupcake wars and we also watch So You Think You Can Dance…Chris has been a trooper all season and is even rooting for a couple favorites!
It always all looks fabulous. Looks like we have the same camera – at least they are the same color. I lol at your pictures – you really do look great. It was the other I laughed at – not because of how you look but because of how you described it and shot it! My belly is bigger than yours – nyah nyah nyah! Unfortunately ;(
I LOVE your attitude Biz! You are right – it’s all about the journey, never the destination!
Great job on the bike ride – I HATE biking hills.
Cute shoes too for both of you!
I need to look for that arnold’s new bread! Looks good!
And yes, I have the same issue with me as far as the tummy goes. Everyone says that I look great and I say “I would like to tone up the midsection” and they just tell me I’m crazy. To which I respond, “You don’t see me naked!” lol
Wow, gym shoes for $19? I have a goodwill by me, maybe I should look at see what’s there! My mom is a thrift store shopper but I have a hard time searching through a bunch of things! I’m so impatient!
Great find on those shoes 🙂 Hmm I wonder if my DD would shop there – she is the queen of the mall!
Those burgers look good along with the salad – you always make everything look scrumptiuos!
We also love HK and watched MC but have never watched chopped – will have to DVR that.
I think you look amazing! And you are right – your body can do SO much physically…more than most people can say!
I haven’t seen the new Sandwich Thins….I will definitely be on the hunt for them. I think ST’s are the perfect size – love ’em!
I still think you look awesome, Biz!
Haha Biz TV. The burgers with goat cheese look awesome, looks like you used about half a bottle of Franks 🙂
I totaly understand the gut thing. After having 5 kids in 8 years I was trying to lose about 50lbs. Some was in my thighs and butt but most was in my gut. Plus the saggy skin didn’t help. I actually lost half of my weight before I got pregnant and the saggy skin was starting to shrink as well. Then I lost that pregnancy and had to start all over again. Then I decided to have my belly button hernia fixed last November. The first Dr I went to was a general surgeon as well as a plastic surgeon my friend worked for. He informed me I was a good candidate for a tummy tuck. It was very embarrasing to be told that in front of my friend. But now I am pregnant again so next spring will be my time to get rid of that gut and sag once and for all! You on here inspire me to eat better and just keep moving!
Your food pictures are glorious! Those burgers look divine.
I love finding deals at thrift stores. Hannah did great!
oh la la, love the shoes!
I like reading your blog because….I like you. But also, because you give me ideas and the courage to be brave with my meals. I get so inspired by your meals! OOOHHH, and I also like you because you like Franks 🙂
Loving that burger with goat cheese, yum!