I was in a fog this morning – my cough is back with a vengence and I ended up sleeping in my comfy chair because I couldn’t lay flat.  I have a call into my doctor so I’ll see what he says.  Maybe bronchitis lingers after the medication?  Who knows!

Well, even though you can’t see it, my breakfast was nummy.  I had an english muffin egg/hard salami sandwich and 4 ounces of unsweetened applesauce – which I love.

American Idol was great last night!  I was SO surprised though that Danny’s best friend didn’t make it into the Top 36!  And the fact that Tatiana made it shocked the heck out of me, but she probably will boost ratings she is such a drama queen!

I think I’ll run home for lunch today to pick up my camera (and see Tony!) because lunch is good eats: Shrimp Nachos!  

Alright, my morning break is up – see you at lunch!