I hadn’t done Jillian’s shred in a long time and I am feeling it today!  I ended up sticking with Level 1 instead of Level 3, but I didn’t do the beginner side so that’s a step up!

Have you seen the new Arnold Thins?  I found them at our outlet store – they are rectangular and meant to be “sandwich stuffers.”  One side is connected like a hot dog bun, but I cut that and ended up making two mini egg sliders with Chobani and granola on the side:

488 calories, 54 carbs, 34 protein, 15.6 fat and 8.9 fiber

So at lunch I did a 6.9 bike ride – on the screen it didn’t look too bad, but half way through I remembered this was the ride that had the steady hill climb for over two miles.  I rocked it though! 😀  I beat the pacer bike by 2 minutes!

I was a bit sweaty after my workout:

By the way Jen, these are the shoes I won from you – they are so comfortable!  So at first glance its not too bad – you may be wondering how the hell I weigh 171 pounds!  This is what you don’t see:

that explains it!

That’s how a 5 foot 2 inch woman weighs 171 pounds.  Almost all of my weight is in the middle.  Kinda drives me nuts because when I do the bike ride, I can feel my stomach with every turn of the bike.  So why am I showing you my gut? Because I know its not going to be there forever.  I think during any weight loss we are always looking at the prize at the end, whether that be a number on the scale or what size pants we wear.

I am proud that the body above can still ride my bike for miles at a time,  can finish a 30 day shred without stopping.   It’s the day to day victories that keep me going in the right direction 😀

Lunch was the last of my bbq pork in a low carb tortilla with a yellow pepper and cucumber.

573 calories, 73 carbs, 41 protein, 11.2 fat and12.5 fiber

It was so hot and humid, I couldn’t even grill outside last night!  So it was burgers and fries inside!

I always put this in my burger meat.  If you have a Big Lots by you, they always have this in their food aisle:

I blanched my potatoes, and actually almost overcooked them in the water bath – some of them broke apart when I took them out of the water.  But I just threw everything into the deep fryer, and these were probably the best homemade fries I’ve made!  Each one was crispy, but just a hint of tender potato on the inside.

I decided to make a buffalo “slaw” for my burger topping.  However we were out of blue cheese, so goat cheese had to fill in.  I just peeled a carrot and sliced a celery rib thin, added the goat cheese and bathed it all in Frank’s hot sauce 😀

I used our indoor cast iron grill pan:

Dinner comes in at 559 calories, 32 carbs, 30 protein, 34 fat and3 fiber

And since my sister showed her kids back to school shoes, I thought I would share Hannah’s shoe find – she and I have been thrift store shoppers for years – in the early years because we couldn’t afford to shop at retail stores, and now because we love the thrill of the hunt – I can’t tell you how many pairs of jeans Hannah has bought for less than $5, that her friends spend $100 retail!

At Goodwill she found these shoes, brand new with the tags on for $19! 😀

And a big thank you for Tony . . . guess what we watched on t.v. last night?

  • Hell’s Kitchen Finale
  • Master Chef
  • Chopped

We did watch them off the DVR, so they went by a lot quicker, but at one point he looked at me and said “if I didn’t know you I would have never heard of any of these shows!”  Thanks for watching BizTV with me last night sweets! 😀

Stats for Tuesday:

  • 1620 calories, 159 carbs, 105 protein, 61 fat and 24 fiber
  • 33% of calories from fat
  • 30 minute Level 1 Shred
  • 35 minute 6.9 bike ride
  • 10 minute cool down on the bike

And I have a huge favor to ask of my 101 Days of Summer Challengers!  I replied to all your emails, and when I moved over some of the emails so I could organize them, I deleted half of your updates!  So if you look on the 101 Updates Page on the top, and don’t see a “week 10” by your name, could you forward your email to me again?  Sorry about that!