I know it seems like a weird combination, but one of the reasons I love to make stirfry is that its a great way to use up stuff in your fridge!
Today’s Combo:
- 3 ounces bean sprouts
- 3 ounces broccoli slaw
- 2 ounces sliced red pepper
- 2 ounces diced carrot
- 2 ounces sliced boneless pork
- 5 ounces of cooked spaghetti squash
- 2 tablespoons Wonnie’s Korean BBQ sauce
After I put this combination into www.calorieking.com, I realized that it only came to 285 calories! Problem solved!
- I cooked the stirfry with 1 tsp. smart balance oil
- I added 1 ounce of peanuts (that were in our office kitchen)

It’s kind of funny, but before I became diabetic, I would have sworn on a stack of bibles that vegetables had no carbs!
We got our 40 minute two mile walk at lunch – its perfect walking weather – about 70 degrees, overcase, slight cool breeze!
I have exactly 5 minutes left on my lunch break, so tonight you will finally get to see the Sugo di Carne for dinner!
Biz… how long were you on the oral medication before it stopped working?
Hey Gina – I started out Type II, taking oral medication, until that didn’t work anymore – I’ve been on insulin for a year and a half and have really tight control now – my 30 day blood sugar average is 113!
So I basically take one unit of insulin for every 5 grams of carbs I eat.
That is a good looking stirfy!
What type of diabetes do you have again? I don’t think I ever asked, but I’m curious. That stir-fry looks great. Actually, the BBQ sauce and the squash probably contributed about 90 percent of the carbs!
You know what, I’m not surprised with ANY combination lately! Us foodies just like to mix and match – glad it worked out 🙂
Hey Biz,
Quick question for you, my Martha-like cooking guru. I am entertaining my aunt and uncle next week for one night. I think we’re going out to dinner but I’m worried about breakfast in the morning. As a newlywed recent grad I’m not really experienced with entertaining! Do you have a “go to” breakfast dish and/or suggestions? I don’t know if I should just set out some bagels and fruit or maybe do something fancier.
Sorry if this is random but I thought of you when I thought of cooking/hosting ideas to impress!
You thought of me for ideas? Wow!
Quiche is a great thing because you can make it the night before and either slightly reheat it in the morning or even serve at room temperature – with a bowl of chopped fruit it makes a great meal!
I’ll email you some ideas!
Hey and I am sorry to hear about your grandma – sending hugs your way!!
oh my Goodness! That looks sooo great!! Great photo!
that stir fry looks fantastic! horray for a nice lunch walk 🙂
Looks delicious! And glad you got in that walk. Like Brandi, the weather here is awful too!
glad you were able to get in a walk! our weather is horrible still.
i think the combo sounds great