True Random Number Generator 89 63

MB says:

WOW! 300,000 is a lot! Congrats on the big blog milestone. I’ve been doing my part to get you to 400,000 in no time ;)

I love Cabot cheese and love looking down on the Cabot farms when I’m out on my snowmobile in the winter. I’ve never made your salsa but would love to try it.

Congrats to MB!  Please email me at with your mailing address! 😀

I started out my Monday morning. . .

On my way to the pool in 61 degrees 😀

I knew it was chilly when my friend and I walked in and the life guard was wearing a hoodie with sweat pants!  But once we got going, it was fine.  We swam for 30 minutes 😀

Since I had baked potatoes left over from Saturday’s bbq, they made an appearance at breakfast.  I ended up making an egg beater hash with a fruit salad on the side.

I am sure everyone has stopped by Homesick Texan before.  Last week (or maybe the week before) I saw her recipe for zucchini enchiladas.  I never got around to making it last week so I did and wow, is this enchilada sauce good!  I did make a few adaptations (like leaving the damn onions out), but you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for that recipe since its my lunch for today.

I’ll whet your appetite with this picture:

best part is that a serving is only 316 calories! (2 enchiladas)

It was such a gorgeous day in Chicagoland – especially after all the heat, humidity, storms and rain.   I decided to get my bike out – Errign are you happy I rode outside?! 😀

We live just a mile from a preserve that will never be developed – something like 200 acres of trails and marsh land.

I always think these look like corn dogs!

I am not sure how far I went, but there is this one hill on the way back.  Even when I was 140 pounds, I could not ride this hill without stopping and having to get off my bike and walking the last part.

Well guess what?  I have to think its because of the 100+ miles I’ve done in the last 7 weeks on the bike machine at the gym, but I beat the hill! I was huffing and puffing at the top, but I did the whole hill without stopping 😀

I know it doesn't seem like much, but its hard!When I got back and our dog saw I was wearing gym shoes, he wanted to go for a walk.  So I took him to the river and back, only 15 minutes but that’s about his limit now.

the river is really high because of all the rain, I think its no wake because there weren't any fast boats on it yesterday

Since we ate such a late breakfast, and it was pretty close to dinner, we snacked on some cheese and crackers while watching some of the Sox game.  I will ignore their loss yesterday and will still brag that we are still leading the division by 1 game 😀

And since I still had more baked potatoes, I did rosemary potatoes on the grill.  I believe Tony is done with the potatoes!

Tony’s uncle actually bought a 1/4 of a cow for meat for their family reunion last week.  We were lucky enough to score two strip steaks.  I did a Mexican rub with cumin, paprika and a touch of chipotle pepper and then finished it off with a pat of lime garlic butter.  I mixed 2 tablespoons butter with the zest of one lime, added 1 teaspoon of garlic and the juice of half a lime.

These steaks were huge!  We each only ate about 1/3 of our steaks.  I sliced the leftovers up thin for lunches for Tony this week.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  Let’s make it a good week! 😀