Yep, after my first successful picture that was accepted by Tastespotting way back in March, I’ve probably submitted at least 25 more pictures, to no avail.

Well, my rainbow tostadas made it on today!  So cool!  It’s probably on page 3 already by now! 😀

Breakfast was the last of my egg whites and I decided to shred some zucchini in my sammie – with sliced oranges in my Fage – it tasted like a push-up from the Good Humor truck!

with the zucchini - this sammie packs 9 grams of fiber!
with the zucchini - this sammie packs 9 grams of fiber!
this was a great combo, definitely doing this again!  All together breakfast comes in at 424 calories, 11 fat, 39 carbs and 10.3 fiber!
this was a great combo, definitely doing this again! All together breakfast comes in at 424 calories, 11 fat, 39 carbs and 10.3 fiber!

It’s the end of the week, I couldn’t think what to make for lunch at home, so I decided I would rely on our office cafe.  In looking over the menu, I saw a panini sandwich called the pollo – sliced chicken, slice of provolone, fresh basil with a pesto sauce.  They had me at fresh basil!

the pesto sauce was so fresh too!  this was an amazing combo
the pesto sauce was so fresh too! this was an amazing combo

Sadly, I looked up this sammie AFTER I ate the whole thing, and while I couldn’t find the calories for this exact sandwich, guess what the average is for this kind of panini???  661 calories, 35 grams of fat and 59 carbs! 

I could definitely taste the olive oil on the bread – I should have looked this up before I went downstairs!

Oh well, it was delicious, I am still only at 1084 calories for the day and I have my office softball game tonight, so I think I’ll run around the outside of the field when we are batting to burn off some extra calories!

Hannah has to work tonight, so she’s not joining me for softball.  I plan on picking up a pizza for me and Tony for a late dinner tonight.

We have a date night tomorrow which I can’t wait for – its always nice to date your husband! 😀

Afternoon break is up – I’ll post a winner for my giveaway when I get back from softball – see you then!