Before I get on to my good eats yesterday, and they were good!, the lovely Errign (pronounced Erin – love the spelling!) gave me an award!   She’s a wonderful girl, has been skiing probably since before she could walk and is working very hard in college! 😀

The premise is that I am supposed to come up with 7 things interesting about me:

  1. One of my feet is one and a half sizes BIGGER than the other one.  Sadly, my twin sister did not get the opposite affliction so that we could wear shoes that would actually fit.  So I almost always wear shoes that have no back – even in the dead of winter.
  2. I swear like a sailor – and because my Mom, MIL and SIL read this blog, I try to keep it to a minimum.  And even when Carla Berkman called me a pig in 8th grade when I dropped the f-bomb once, that still didn’t deter me!
  3. Growing up I had the hugest crush on Sean Cassidy in the 70’s and Tom Selleck in the 80’s.  In my Sean Cassiday days, I had a powder blue SATIN jacket with his face on the back of the jacket, a short sleever iron-on shirt with his face on the front, and the best part – a pair of baby blue bell bottoms with his WHOLE BODY going down the front of the left leg.  Of course this outfit was worn as an ensemble, and when I wore it – I thought I was fucking hot!  By the time I got to Tom Selleck, I dedicated a whole bulletin board to him in my room from cut outs of magazines – the center being a two page spread from People magazine (I think!) with letters cut out at the bottom that said:  “Tom Selleck is a Total Fox!”  That stayed up until my grandma saw it and made me take it down. 🙁
  4. I love mustard.  Any kind of mustard!  My husband, who loves me desperately, actually took me to the Mustard Museum in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin – now is that love or what??!!
  5. In high school, my twin sister was failing math (who, ironically because a personal banker for 12 years!) and had to get an A on the final in order to pass our senior year and graduate with the class.  I had a study hall so I didn’t have a final so  I took it for her.  When I handed in the test I said “My sister just explained everything to me and I finally got it!”  I believe my parents used this as a source of encouragement for years “Remember when you studied hard and aced that math test?  You can do it!”  I belive we finally confessed to our parents around the age of 30!
  6. My mom, who is a wonderful cook (makes that best damn scalloped potatoes!) but the most memorable dinner she made was white bread with butter that was toasted, then had crisp bacon added, a full slice of mozzarella cheese then put under the broiler until all bubbly.  I don’t remember there being a vegetable or fruit anywhere near this meal, which was probably why I thought it was perfect at the time.  I believe the only vegetable I ate growing up were cucumbers!  (So picky eaters, there is a chance you won’t be picky your whole life if you use me as an example!)
  7. This one is no secret – I love my husband more every day I know him.  We get each other so well!  Neither one of us have pretended to be anyone different from the day we met, which is priceless!  Thanks for finding me Tony! 😀

Before we went out to the movies last night, I came home to find this piece of mail – with my name on it!

What the hell does that mean??!!

I threw it in the garbage straight away, I didn’t even want to know!  All I know is I saw Holly Hunter on the cover – I know I will be 42 in March, but inside I think I am still 25!

Breakfast was my delicious Pumpkin Pancakes!  The only thing I did differently was to add 1 tablespoon of agave nectar.  I LOVE THESE PANCAKES!  I spread each layer with 1/2 tsp. no sugar added peanut butter, then topped with 1/3 cup sugar free pancake mix.

488 calories, 21 fat, 62 carbs, 16 protein, 5 fiber
the perfect bite!

I also switched up my Thai Basil Chicken in Baked Wonton Cups.   I ended up using rehydrated dry chiles for fresh.  And last time I used a red chile paste on top, but that turned out to be too spicy for my friend.  So this time, we put one pickled jalapeno on each one and just a dollop of sweet and sour sauce, which really balanced the spice of the chiles and jalapeno.

I just steeped the chilis in hot water for about 15 minutes before adding them to the food processor

I stir fried vegetables in House of Tsang stir fry sauce – only 25 calories per tablespoon – and a tablespoon goes a long way!

6 wontons and the whole bowl of veggies: 410 calories, 2 fat, 58 carbs, 32 protein, 5 fiberPerfect! I also didn't overcook the wonton wrappers - they were perfectly crunchy!

I came home from work, only to leave right away for Tony and I to catch a movie at Joe’s Theater.

My goal yesterday was to have a two drink maximum and I stuck to the plan!  First up – house Chardonnay – half price night so only $3 a glass! 😀

We ate in the movie theater – so I’ll have to describe what I got:  Caesar Salad in a cup!  Basically it was a large cup, that had about 1/3 cup of Caesar dressing in the bottom, then in the middle fresh grated parmesan, then they had leaves of romaine dipped in the dressing so that you just reach for the romaine and dip it in the dressing – it was delicious!  (thanks for the recommendation Joe!).  We split two entrees – I had a Wyagu Beef Slider and then ate 1/4 of Tony’s short rib calzone – we both thought the burgers rocked – perfect size and so juicy!

The best part of this theater??  The button to request a server!

During the movie I had a glass of Fat Tire – one of my favorite beers!

So my estimate for dinner, with drink, comes in at 747 calories, 23 fat, 60 carbs, 23 protein, 4 fiber.   The drink added 300 calories to the night, but overall, I still wasn’t over my calorie intake by too much.

Stats for Tuesday:

  • 1,645 calories
  • 45 fat
  • 180 carbs
  • 71 protein
  • 13 fiber
  • 35 minute The Firm Sculpting Ball DVD
  • 20 minutes elliptical
  • 100+ ounces of water
  • great date night with my husband 😀

I have to scoot – I need to make more pancakes for my breakfast this morning and figure out what to make for lunch.

I know I am supposed to pass this award on, but I am taking the easy way out – just tell me ONE interesting thing not many people may know about you! Happy Hump Day!