My boss brought me in a pumpkin bagel that Thomas now makes – you could actually see little bits of pumpkin, although we both agreed it could have had a bit more spice to it, but it was good.  I had mine with 1/2 a package of dark chocolate peanut butter that Errign sent me – it got buried in my pantry and my clean sweep of my kitchen/fridge/pantry this week, it made its way to light.

I haven’t officially entered my food from yesterday, but my guess is breakfast comes in around 11 points.

I worked through lunch – still using leftovers I managed to find a small bag of bay scallops and defrosted them in my fridge.  I used these noodles I got from a Japanese grocery store near my office – I like that each bundle is exactly 2 ounces and it makes  lot when cooked:

I had a bag of stir fry veggies in my fridge, so before work cooked it up – my sauce was 1/2 a cup of beef broth, 2 tablespoons of peanut sauce (50 cal) and a good squeeze of sriracha – nice and spicy.

So my boss had a brief due yesterday.  It’s always a stressful day, and I never know until the last minute how much I’ll be involved.  A lot of times I still leave on time but my boss can stay until 3:00 in the morning.

When she popped her head out at 4:30 asking if I could stay late, I knew it was going to be a late night.  Around 7 I looked in my fridge at work and I had leftover tortillas, cheese, refried beans and taco sauce from my breakfast burrito earlier in the week – this is what we had for dinner:

I put it on my bosses desk and she turned around, started eating, the kept on typing.  Around 12:15 in the morning she was like “did you eat dinner?”  I said “remember the bean and cheese quesadilla?  I had that too.”  She said “oh, I forgot.”  Nice that my food is appreciated. šŸ™

So while the deadline to file was 11:59, turns out we were filing in Mountain time, which is 1:00 p.m. our time, so I didn’t get home from work until 1:30.  Tony waited up for me and we talked a while and didn’t get into bed until after 2, so there was no way my ass was getting up for WW.  I am too old for that. šŸ˜€

So I usually meal plan/grocery shop list on Friday nights, so my routine is all off.  I didn’t even wake up until 11:00 today!  All I know is I am making America’s Test Kitchens Chicago Deep Dish Pizza tonight – can’t wait!  Come back tomorrow and I’ll let you know how it went.

All I know is I am buying chicken breasts at the store today:

Thanks for all your spinach suggestions!  I plan to use it up this week šŸ˜€

Happy Saturday!