Today is my niece Rachel’s 13th birthday!  Since my brother Charlie moved his family to Texas, we don’t see them as often as when they lived in Iowa – all our kids are growing up too fast!

This is a picture of a picture, so the quality isn't that great!  Hannah and Rachel two years ago!
This is a picture of a picture, so the quality isn't that great! Hannah and Rachel two years ago!

I did not want to get up today!  After three days of sleeping in, it was so hard to get up and get going.   I had my usual egg sammie – I got the light Thomas’ english muffins at Sam’s – 8 grams of fiber!   And I brought a cup of Hannah’s fruit salad from yesterday.

Love how this colby jack melts!
Love how this colby jack melts!
so refreshing!
so refreshing!

Morning break is over – see you at lunch for chili and salad! 😀

Happy Birthday Rachel!