I hate when this happens!
I hate when this happens!

Yep, that was my blood sugar as I was heading down to work out!  Rats!   So I quickly put my lunch together.  I used Trader Joe’s chili since it was in my cupboard – not sure I’ll get it again, although while flavorful – there is the onion factor.  I was able to pick most of them out thankfully!

  • 10 ounce baked potato
  • 3/4 cup Trader Joe’s chili
  • 1/4 cup reduced fat Mexican cheese
  • 4 ounces of cucumber
  • 1 tablespoon ff ranch
so filling!  Lunch has 12 grams of fiber!
so filling! Lunch has 12 grams of fiber!
So lunch in total comes in at 551 calories, 9 fat, 31 protein and 90 grams of carbs
So lunch in total comes in at 551 calories, 9 fat, 31 protein and 90 grams of carbs

So I ended up eating about 1/3 of this to bring my blood sugar up then took insulin for the rest.  We’ll know in a couple hours if that strategy worked!

I’ll have to take the dog on a walk tonight to get some exercise in!  Off to catch up on my blog reading for the rest of my lunch hour.  Come back tonight for Cottage Cheese Zucchini Spinach Lasagne!