Gotta tell you, I kind of like blogging in the morning with a delicious cup of coffee – I think its a great way to start the day!

Hannah had to work again last night so it was just me and Tony.  I started out with my usual – an egg sammie – but I made a pepper and egg sandwich and chopped up one of my pickled jalapenos – nice!  The last time we went to Sam’s Club, we stocked up on eggs – 36 eggs for only $2.97!



Then I was on a cleaning mission!  If I have any regular readers you know that Hannah is the neat freak in our family.  But whenever I get in the mood to clean, is like one of the few times she doesn’t feel like it!  But it went quickly, I only worked an hour and got the living room, bathroom and kitchen spotless.  We had to run to the grocery store and decided to go to Buffalo Wild Wings.  Pretty sure its the first time we’ve ever gone and no one got wings!


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I had a slice of Tony’s flatbread chicken thing – we thought it was going to be a sandwich, but it came out as a pizza!  I ate one slider and about 10 popcorn shrimp – dipped in hot sauce!

My step-son Joe is turning 20 tomorrow!  Since we are going out to dinner tomorrow, I decided to make him the ultimate cookie – and holy moly these cookies are the best cookies I have ever made!

Cinnamon/Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • 8.5 ounces of all purpose flour
  • 8.5 ounces bread flour
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons coarse salt (plus extra to drizzle on top of cookies)
  • 2 1/2 sticks of butter, softened
  • 10 ounces light brown sugar
  • 8 ounces granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 2 cups cinnamon chips (I got these for $5 a bag from a Great Harvest that went out of business)

Mix dry ingredients together.  In a stand mixer, mix together the butter and sugars.  Add one egg at a time and mix until fluffy.  Add extract and then slowly add dry ingredients.  Add chips at the very end.




Um, these are definitely insulin worthy!  I had just a bite of one – Joe I think you’ll love these!

Dinner was a beef roast and the last of the corn.  Look at how screaming hot our grill got!  The outside was perfectly seared, then we brought the temp down – it took about an hour and a half – take your meat off at 125 degrees and let it rest for 15 to 20 minutes before cutting.



So excited that I am meeting up with some very talented local food bloggers today for a pot luck.  I thought it only appropriate that I make my famous pizza!

I am meeting:  Christina at Dinner at Christina’s; Mara at What’s for Dinner; and Michelle at Lucky Taste Buds!

Come back tonight for a recap! 😀