It’s supposed to get up to 50 degrees today, which means all the snow melts and it looks dirty outside.  I hate how that looks!

Breakfast was simple because my mom is coming over for lunch and then we are going to Hannah’s holiday sing at the high school – always a great time!  My favorite part is the end when all the choirs sing together – over 400 kids!


Tony went to the store this morning and he picked up this:


Hannah tried it out – supposedly you get about 28 four inch pancakes in one container.  We thought maybe we should use a bit more batter the next time because the first one was really thin – look at all the bubbles!


I am going on day two of the panetonne – here’s how my “sponge” looks like after 20 hours:


I guess the secret to a light panettone is the several hours of rising.  Fingers crossed it works out!  See you later!