Morning!  Not only did I have to get up for WW today, but I also had my yearly eye exam.  Being diabetic has it’s challenges, and one of the things I don’t take lightly is my eye health.  Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness.

What’s sad is that people who don’t control their diabetes now, may feel fine, but damage is being done and by the time they show signs of retinopathy, it’s usually too late.  Happy to say my eyes are perfectly healthy – even though I can’t see – my prescription for my contacts is -6.5!  I’ve had glasses since I was 10.

So drum roll please. . .

Granted, that’s for 2 weeks, but I’ll take it. šŸ˜€  I never want to see a 16_ on my weight again!

I had yesterday off – I took the day off because I thought I was having lunch with this lovely lady, but I had the wrong date – so next Friday we will be having lunch. šŸ˜€  So after Hannah got done with school we met for lunch, and then we went thrifting.  You never know what you are going to see!

I didn’t end up getting anything though – but Thursday at the Economy Shop I found some glass containers for my pantry – love the tall spaghetti one – it cost $3, the others cost $2 each.

It was such a gorgeous day yesterday – sunny and 80 degrees – perfect grilling weather.  We picked up a beef rump roast and had rosemary potatoes on the side.  For rare meat, take the meat off the grill at 125 degrees, let it stand 15 minutes before cutting it – perfect every time. šŸ˜€  Here’s the sky just as I began to grill.

I did rosemary potatos in a skillet – it cooked on the top rack while the meat was cooking, and then when I took the meat off, I put it on the lower level to crisp up:

My plate:

Enjoy your Saturday!  And go wish Amanda luck – she’s running the Chicago marathon for the first time tomorrow – go girl!  Hope it doesn’t get too hot – I think it’s supposed to be in the upper 70’s tomorrow.  I know you’ll do great!