It feels like it should be much later than 3:30 (even 4:30!)!
Here was my to do list:
I have a few things to do today:
- clean my desk and file paperwork
- menu planning for the week – DONE
- grocery shopping – DONE
- a couple loads of laundry – 1/2 WAY DONE
- walk with Ed – 35 MINUTE WALK – DONE!
I’ll finish the rest of the laundry while I am cleaning my desk, since my desk is in the basement too.
Beautiful walk with Ed, although the trails specifically say “all animals on leash at all times.” So we are walking, and all of a sudden around the corner is a huge Rottweiler (sp?) about 120 pounds WITHOUT A LEASH! I yelled to his owner to get him on his leash (Ed doesn’t like other dogs too much) and he’s not listening and asking questions: “Is your dog a puppy?”
So I said “your not supposed to have your dog without a leash here” and he just continues to ask how old Ed is! Other than that, it was a nice walk:

It’s nice because every 1/2 mile or so, they have these water pumps to pump water for your dogs:
Before I went to the grocery store, I quickly put together a spinach salad and whole wheat pasta with 1/8 cup skim ricotta and diced spinach. So good!

I did really good at the grocery store today: $95.00! for the week, and that included a $9 wine!
Here is our weekly menu:
Although, when I got home, someone (Tony?) corrected Friday’s menu!
I was finally able to find Splenda brown sugar at the store. It looks and has the same texture as regular brown sugar, but you only have to use half called for in a recipe. It was $4.99, I had a dollar off coupon. This is the equivalent to 2 pounds of brown sugar. I plan on making pumpkin muffins later this week.
Off to make the beef stew and chili for the potatoes later in the week. See you at dinner!
I love how you planned everything out! That is such a great idea! Definitely digging the chalk board too. You should get some colored chalk and draw pictures! Haha! I would spend so much time doing that.
Anyhow, must say, everything looks delicious. And I wish I had a dog! So adorable!!
Thanks family!!
It’s groundhog day every week in our kitchen.
You do look great!!
I can’t wait for our delicious week of meals 🙂
You were such a speedy meister today, you got a lot done.
It felt like if you finished something, you were automatically doing something else.
You should feel very accomplished!
I love you!!!!
ps- I’m so proud of your new measurements, you look FAB!<3