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Salt and Pepper Tofu Ramen

Salt and Pepper Tofu Ramen
My friend Justin posted a ramen soup yesterday and I decided to make my version of that soup.  Salt and Pepper Tofu Ramen! Justin turned me on to white miso pasta a couple years ago, and it gives this broth such a rich flavor, that it only tastes as if the broth took two days to make.  Typically ramen broth requires pork bones to be...
December 9, 2021

Ramen Broth

Ramen Broth
Friday night I came home from work and decided to clean out the fridge while Hannah and Jacob were out.  And between their groceries and mine, I threw out a whole garbage bag of food that had gone bad or leftovers that were never used up. Gross. So my friend Alexis on WW declared a #wwpantrychallenge and I knew I was in.  After writing down...
February 23, 2020

Quick Pork Ramen

Quick Pork Ramen
I know I am going to get called out on my soup not being a true “ramen” but it has a spicy broth, has noodles, so I am going to call it quick pork ramen!  But first, I have to tell you guys I am working for The Chopping Block on Saturday, December 9!  It’s the One of a Kind Show at the Merchandise Mart...
November 30, 2017