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Wonderful Weekend

Wonderful Weekend
What a wonderful weekend!  It started out on Friday night when I was on my way home from work, and my roommates (aka Hannah and Jacob) texted me and asked if I wanted to meet them for dinner.  Duh!  My advice to parents of adult children – if they ask you to go out – say yes!  It didn’t matter that I had weigh in...
October 22, 2018

Live Your Best Life

Live Your Best Life
Happy Friday!  We made it.  Whew!  I have a question for you though – are you living your best life?  I’ve been listening to so many podcasts this week, and the bottom line is, while there is a lot of things you can’t control in your life, there are so many that you can – if you are willing to make that change. I can’t...
October 5, 2018

Brand New Party

Brand New Party
Meet the matriarch of our family – my great Aunt Cele.  It goes without saying that I am her favorite niece.  😀   At 5:00 p.m., Aunt Cele pours herself a glass of bourbon, raises it to the sky and declares it a “Brand New Party!”  She just turned 88 years old and has no signs of slowing down.  I love her so much. We had...
July 18, 2018

I’m back!

I’m back!
Well hello!  How have you guys been?  It was nice to take a break from social media – other than posting some stuff on my Instastories, I tried to stay off my phone as much as possible.  Can’t wait to catch up and see what you guys are up to!   This was a very introspective vacation for me.  I had time to myself early in...
July 17, 2018

Making Memories

Making Memories
My cousin Karen was in town for a work conference and as luck would have it, was coming in on Sunday, so I basically invited myself over to her hotel in Chicago to have a sleep over.  A great way to make impromptu memories – we had so much fun!  All we do is laugh when we are together too.  I met her at the...
June 19, 2018

Pi Day

Pi Day
I kind of love it when I have leftover beef that can morph into breakfast.  It’s already Thursday and my meal plan is a little off because I thought I’d have leftovers for lunch – that giant 64 ounce steak I cooked on Sunday?  Only THREE ounces was leftover and four people ate it.  I think Hannah’s friend Melody went back for the beef three...
March 15, 2018