What a wonderful weekend!  It started out on Friday night when I was on my way home from work, and my roommates (aka Hannah and Jacob) texted me and asked if I wanted to meet them for dinner.  Duh!  My advice to parents of adult children – if they ask you to go out – say yes!  It didn’t matter that I had weigh in the next day – they picked a place that has my favorite burgers in town.  And I ordered a beer!  I had a 30 point dinner the night before weigh in and loved every bite of it and every minute spent with my roommates.

I forgot to upload my picture, but I was down .5 this past week.  .3 shy of 10 pounds lost since September 1!  Some things that I am continuing to do:  not eat like an asshole on the weekends is #1 – you can’t eat all the shit you ate that got you fat and still be on plan.  That being said – I enjoyed that burger and beer on Friday night, but I didn’t let that set the tone for the whole weekend.  In the past I would think “I’ve ruined my diet!” and that would take me off track for days, weeks, hell – months even!

I am trying to switch my mindset from “good” and “bad” food.  Life is too short not to have a good burger and a beer šŸ˜€

My friend Jen and I hit up the discount meat bin, and I totally didn’t need anything, but that didn’t stop me from spending $21.  

I SAVED $51.16 off the regular price of all the stuff I bought.  A 65% savings – #winning.

If you are on Instagram, I uploaded the rest of my tutorial on my skinny pizza dough.  I get so many questions about that dough, so hopefully I answered everyones question.  And since it was nearing lunch time and I had the dough, I made a breakfast pizza on Saturday.  So good.  My pizza was 13 points, but I only ate 3/4 of it.  Turns out I can stop eating when I get full. 

This is the breakfast sausage I use for my breakfast pizza – its really good – super flavorful with a bit of spice and only 1 point per ounce.  I used 2 ounces on my pizza – it does go on the pizza raw – don’t worry.  Baking the pizza at 500 degrees will cook it through – pinky swear.

Saturday was a mix of busy and relaxing.  It was really nice to slow the pace a bit.  I feel like I have to get ALL THE THINGS done over the weekend, but I listened to my body, took some rest and it was so nice.

Sunday morning I was busy in my kitchen – meal prepping and also doing a post (that I will get paid for!) for a cheese company.  You’ll want to stay tuned for that because there is going to be a great giveaway associated with that post.  

I made an omelette on Sunday, and topped with an ounce of leftover French fries that I reheated in my cast iron skillet, so they were nice and crispy.  That plate was 3 points.

I have high hopes for this pumpkin biscotti recipe – I need to cook them a bit longer, after sitting overnight they are still a bit soft, but if I am happy with the results, I post this recipe later this week.  Made completely with Splenda – these will even get a dip in dark chocolate, and still be only 2 points each.  

My sister and I met up at my Mom’s concert yesterday.  It was great to see her on a Sunday.  And my Momma too!  Is it me, or is God’s light shining more on me?!  Kidding – I think my lens just needs to be cleaned. šŸ˜€

Great concert Mom!

Love this pic of my Mom and Jenn. šŸ˜€

My Mom and I went to a tapas restaurant not far from her house.  So fun!

I love tapas because it’s tiny bits of this and that.  We split 4 small plates and I had to try the pumpkin soup with pepita seeds and sliced apple.  #love

This was my favorite dish – roasted pecan coated goat cheese with roasted grapes and pears with toast crostini.  #swoon

These were chicken croquettes – I know, not what you were expecting either – they almost look like cheese sticks!  We weren’t quite sure what was on the inside, definitely shredded chicken and something a bit spicy over a tomato sauce – these were delicious.

The potato bravas were just okay – we’ve both had better.

These were pork medallions on top of caramelized onions (which I picked off) and grilled zucchini – I loved this dish and next time I have pork I am going to recreate this dish.

One of my favorite things to have after a great meal – coffee!  So good.

We (meaning I!) decided we needed dessert.  This was a caramelized banana over a chocolate sauce and a small scoop of vanilla ice cream – it was delicious and surprisingly not overly sweet.  The perfect ending to the night.

And now we are back to Monday – didn’t that go by in a blink!  

What was the highlight of your weekend?  

Happy Monday friends – make it a great day!