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Weekly Meal Plan for February 20, 2023

Weekly Meal Plan for February 20, 2023
Weekly Meal Plan for February 20, 2023! Welcome to week seven of our meal plans! In case you missed it, here are the previous weeks meal plans: Week One Week Two Week Three Week Four Week Five Week Six The vision for these meal plans is to possible get you out of your rut of making the same things over and over. Feel free to...
February 17, 2023

Cubs Game?

Cubs Game?
Our weather has been gorgeous.  Well deserved after our seemingly never ending winter.  I didn’t even need a jacket on my walk to work yesterday from the train.  It’s funny because some people are still wearing UGG boots, while others are wearing sundresses. I already knew yesterday was going to be busy because I left so much stuff on my desk on Friday afternoon –...
May 8, 2018

Leftover Beef and Bean Chili

Leftover Beef and Bean Chili
I hit the ground running at work yesterday it was so busy.  But I was lucky enough that my train actually got into the station a bit early so I had time to eat my breakfast before the craziness ensued. Another 6 smart point breakfast – 5 for the quiche, and 1 for the salad.  I decided to dice my apples up and put it...
December 29, 2016

Homemade Snicker Bars

Homemade Snicker Bars
UPDATE!  I had to update the photography for these Homemade Snickers Bars since my daughter Hannah was able to take some photos during the day – you can see how much better these cut once they were cold from the fridge – thanks for your photography skills Hannah!   You can find the detailed recipe here. . . . Morning!  This is going to be...
December 13, 2016

Biz’s BBQ Sauce

Biz’s BBQ Sauce
What a gorgeous day of weather we had yesterday!  I can remember so many Memorial Day parades where it was cold, rainy, etc.  My Mom actually walked in the parade we used to ride our bikes in back in the day.  It starts at my old grade school, which I haven’t probably stepped foot into in 30+ years.  I invited her over for a BBQ. ...
May 31, 2016

Simple Biscuits

Simple Biscuits
I love sleeping in.  Like a lot.  I am like a teenager in that on the weekends I could easily sleep in until 10 or 11 in the morning.  But last Saturday?  I was up at 7:45.  I went to the bathroom and told myself it was too early to get up and I went back to bed.  Only one problem.  I was wide awake! ...
November 20, 2015

Korean Beef BBQ Ribs

Korean Beef BBQ Ribs
The best part about making lots of naan is that they can morph into other meals – like a breakfast naan panini.  So good.  The naan is still a bit chewy on the inside but the outside is a bit crunchy.  I scrambled my usual egg, ham, spinach and cheese.  I only used 3/4 of an ounce of cheese but check out this cheezy goodness! ...
November 19, 2015

Gyros with Homemade Naan

Gyros with Homemade Naan
I had to do a Sam’s Club run for work yesterday morning so I had a little bit of extra time before I had to leave the house.  I had gyros on the menu for dinner last night.  My non-meat eating daughter LOVES gyros and my store routinely sells it in the deli for $5.99 a pound with tzatziki sauce so it’s quite the bargain...
November 18, 2015