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Pork Potsticker Noodle Bowl

Pork Potsticker Noodle Bowl
Um, can I just say it’s bullshit that work is getting in the way of me posting my eats on Instagram?!  Hahahaha!   I am kidding . . .a little bit.  The minutes and hours go by so fast.  I’ll have my phone plugged in under my desk and even though it’s on mute, I can hear the vibrations of notifications on my social media, and...
March 16, 2017

Shrimp and Avocado Wonton Bites

Shrimp and Avocado Wonton Bites
I had to share this picture from when I left work on Tuesday night.  Chicago at night never ceases to amaze me.  I have to remind myself how lucky I am to leave so close to a great city like Chicago! I was ill prepared with my food yesterday.  I wasn’t thinking about my lack of time to put stuff together for the day after...
January 26, 2017

Jennie-O Turkey Chili with Bush’s Beans

Jennie-O Turkey Chili with Bush’s Beans
I wish I could tell you I am feeling 100% better, but not yet.  I take that back – I feel fine, but the cough continues.  My nose is less stuffy, so I am taking that sign that I am making progress.  I was happy that while my workday yesterday was steady busy, it wasn’t crazy busy.  Whew! Breakfast was two of my breakfast biscuits...
January 24, 2017

Jennie-O Turkey Potstickers

Jennie-O Turkey Potstickers
You can imagine after having a food blog for any amount of time, you get your share of offers.  Whether it’s people wanting to guest post on my blog and talk about something completely unrelated – like yesterday when I got an email saying that they “loved my content” and could they please write a short article about breastfeeding on my blog?!   Being diabetic I...
January 10, 2017

Pork Medallions with Cheesy Grits

Pork Medallions with Cheesy Grits
I am so happy to be eating all this Florida citrus.  The only thing better would be to eat it right off the tree in 80 degree weather!  I have to tell you though, before I started working at The Chopping Block, I think I may have massacred  every piece of grapefruit trying to get all the fruit out – that is until I learned...
December 21, 2016

Shrimp and Andouille Sausage Gumbo

Shrimp and Andouille Sausage Gumbo
What’s weird about my new job is that the days of the week really don’t have any meaning anymore.  When I worked Monday through Friday, I woke up knowing how many more days it was until the weekend.  Now?  Every day could be Thursday and I wouldn’t know!  Which is why I missed my Weight Watchers meeting this morning – I forgot it was Tuesday!...
October 11, 2016

Mini Falafel

Mini Falafel
This is going to be a very disjointed post, so just be prepared I am blogging late because I slept in until the last dog was hung before having to get my ass out of bed to Weight Watchers, which I haven’t been to in the last three weeks.  My eats and schedule have been all over the map, and I am realizing that I...
October 4, 2016

We Made A lot of Pie. . .dough

We Made A lot of Pie. . .dough
When I was scheduled for “pie production” I really didn’t know exactly what I was going to be doing.  All I knew is that it was going to be a long day because I started at 8:00 a.m. and was scheduled to 5:00 p.m.  Did I mention this was at the Lincoln Square location, which meant I would be driving exactly during rush hour.  Let’s...
September 28, 2016

Stuffed Shells with Cherry Tomato Sauce

Stuffed Shells with Cherry Tomato Sauce
I woke up yesterday morning at 4 a.m. to get ready for work and I had the worst stomach ache.  Which is weird, because that hardly ever happens.  But I know I have to eat something because once I get to the shop I have to hit the ground running packing everything up.  I had a toasted English muffin with a schmear of peanut butter. ...
August 16, 2016

Deconstructed Steak and Potatoes

Deconstructed Steak and Potatoes
Another market day yesterday meant a bigger breakfast.  I tried to see if I could use Olivio spray on my breakfast grilled cheese. The answer to that questions is a big fat no.  While it browned my bread, it didn’t make it crisp like a buttered grilled cheese – next time I’ll spend the extra point for 1 teaspoon of butter.  The inside tasted good! ...
August 12, 2016