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Roasted Red Pepper Frittata

Roasted Red Pepper Frittata
I went to Weight Watchers on Saturday knowing I’d have a gain, but I didn’t care.  I need those weekly meetings to get inspiration and I love my leader.  Even the back up leaders are amazing.  I was up two pounds, making me +.6 for 2018.  Hooray for the Queen of Maintenance! But here’s the deal, I haven’t really given this new plan 100% of...
May 7, 2018

Sweet Potato Breakfast Bowl

Sweet Potato Breakfast Bowl
When I first saw one of the WW Ambassadors post a sweet potato breakfast bowl, the thought of it almost made me want to throw up in my mouth a bit.  Sweet potatoes?  For breakfast?!  But then the idea took off, and it seemed every morning for the last few weeks every time I went on Instagram, someone was tagging Kerri (ww_kerri on Instagram) giving...
April 24, 2018

Chia Pudding with Sugar Free Lemon Curd

Chia Pudding with Sugar Free Lemon Curd
Living with a vegetarian, who loves her smoothies, I am almost never without hemp seeds, chia seeds, matcha powder, spurlina (I am sure that’s not spelled right) and stuff like that.  One of the features I love most about Instagram (and as soon as I hit 10,000 followers I can do it too!) is the Swipe Up! button.   Yes, you guys are going to be...
April 10, 2018

Hash Brown Muffins

Hash Brown Muffins
I only left my house for one hour since last Wednesday night.  I was up at 6:30 on Saturday morning, and at 8:10 figured I may as well go to Weight Watchers.  I was really only going to go to weigh in, but I wasn’t coughing too bad, stood in the back of the room and enjoyed the meeting.  A woman made goal, several people...
April 8, 2018

Potato Crusted Quiche

Potato Crusted Quiche
I slept in until 9:15 on Saturday morning.  That like never happens to me anymore. I am usually up at 7:00 at the latest without an alarm on the weekend.  But my cough is still lingering – I know its acute bronchitis and other than drinking lots of fluids and resting, not much you can do but let it run it’s course. I “unofficially” weighed...
March 5, 2018

Breakfast Potato Tarts

Breakfast Potato Tarts
Hannah is still working on what I like to call now “Biz’s Kitchen Intervention.”  She’s whittled all my spices, dishes, pots, pans, cooking appliances, silverware, knives down to such a small amount, when I went to look for a skillet to cook an egg yesterday, I couldn’t find a single one.  Oh, because she’s decided that my bigger pots/pans/skillets belong in the pantry.  Huh. One...
February 6, 2018

Savory Breakfast Muffins

Savory Breakfast Muffins
I am loving that eggs and chicken are “free” on the new Weight Watchers plan, but after having hard boiled eggs a lot on my picky plate breakfasts, I was kind of getting bored with them.  I need to make some kicked up deviled eggs or something like that so they aren’t so plain. 8/10 I am usually in the mood for a savory breakfast...
January 3, 2018

Mini Banana Poppy Seed Bread

Mini Banana Poppy Seed Bread
Good morning!  I have a little bit of a late start this morning as I have my semi-annual diabetes doctor appointment at 11:15 this morning, so I got to sleep in a bit this morning.  Enjoying a nice cup of coffee on what hopefully will be our last 90 degree weather of 2017.  Chicago broke a record for longest hot streak for this late in...
September 26, 2017

Ham and Cheese Breakfast Cups

Ham and Cheese Breakfast Cups
You’ll want to bookmark this recipe for Ham and Cheese Breakfast Cups!  Bake once, eat all week! But first . . .  I woke up 30 minutes early yesterday and got a quick walk in before work.  It was gorgeous – no breeze, 50 degrees.  I loved the fog hovering over the river.  It was such a great way to set the tone of being...
September 19, 2017

Bubble Up Breakfast

Bubble Up Breakfast
As I was walking into work yesterday morning, I got this text from Hannah.  Ignore the part where I texted her the sales at our local thrift store over the weekend 😛   Pickles, the baby squirrel that Hannah tried to save, died overnight.  She feels she did everything right, she read how they like to burrow when they sleep, she had it in a...
September 12, 2017