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Hak’s Korean BBQ

Hak’s Korean BBQ
I woke up early to walk before work yesterday, but it was raining pretty hard, so I went to Plan B.  Waffles!  I am going to sound like an asshole now, but my homemade waffles are better than this mix, but I had a coupon for a free box and it’s been in my pantry.  These are good in a pinch though.  Each waffle is...
September 20, 2017

30 Days of Brave Challenge

30 Days of Brave Challenge
I can’t say enough good things about these Lavash wraps.  The texture, how easy they are to turn into wraps without tearing, how filling – I can’t wait to try making a pizza with one on my baking steel. I found them on the same aisle as the bread and tortillas at Walmart.  Although I will say that they are out of them a lot,...
May 31, 2017

Reverse Seared Cowboy Ribeye Steak

Reverse Seared Cowboy Ribeye Steak
I got up early yesterday to make sure I had a decent breakfast to start my day off on the right foot.  Just a simple egg white omelette with ham, spinach and cheese (6) with fresh fruit.  I cooked the omelette while I was in the shower.  I just pour the ham and egg whites in a skillet with a lid, turn it on low,...
April 20, 2017

Zero Point Pan Steak Sauce

Zero Point Pan Steak Sauce
I had hoped to post a recipe for a PB2 granola that doesn’t taste like ass and is low in points, but that my friends, hasn’t happened yet.  But I had a parfait on my breakfast menu, and darn it, it’s just not the same without granola.  Why does granola have to have so many points?!   I had Kashi Go Lean in my desk drawer...
February 8, 2017

Leftover Beef and Bean Chili

Leftover Beef and Bean Chili
I hit the ground running at work yesterday it was so busy.  But I was lucky enough that my train actually got into the station a bit early so I had time to eat my breakfast before the craziness ensued. Another 6 smart point breakfast – 5 for the quiche, and 1 for the salad.  I decided to dice my apples up and put it...
December 29, 2016

Ginger and Cumin Spiced Beef and Pineapple Kebobs

Ginger and Cumin Spiced Beef and Pineapple Kebobs
Yesterday was one of those perfect weather days that makes you love living in Chicago.  Of course, next week there could be frost on the ground, but I’ll take 70 degrees and sunny in October any day of the week.  I made a quick egg white omelet with baby spinach, 50% reduced fat Cabot cheese, three slices of turkey bacon and honeycrisp apples, for a...
October 12, 2016

Windy City Steaks and Blogger Meet Up!

Windy City Steaks and Blogger Meet Up!
I had to smile at yesterday’s TimeHop – Heather and Karli, can you believe this was three years ago already?  I recapped my day at The Chopping Block on this post back in October of 2013.   I never in a million years would have thought three years later I’d be working there! I was happy that my schedule allowed me to take the train to...
October 7, 2016

Carrot Top and Cilantro Pesto

Carrot Top and Cilantro Pesto
Hannah and I want to take shots of this carrot top and cilantro pesto – so good! This Boston Beef Roast with Carrot Top and Cilantro Pesto is great any time of year.  Perfect for your backyard BBQ. My beef was labeled “Boston Beef Roast.”  I am assuming that it’s the shoulder of the beef, but I am not really sure.  In any event, I...
October 6, 2016

We Made A lot of Pie. . .dough

We Made A lot of Pie. . .dough
When I was scheduled for “pie production” I really didn’t know exactly what I was going to be doing.  All I knew is that it was going to be a long day because I started at 8:00 a.m. and was scheduled to 5:00 p.m.  Did I mention this was at the Lincoln Square location, which meant I would be driving exactly during rush hour.  Let’s...
September 28, 2016

Happy Birthday Tony!

Happy Birthday Tony!
Oh how I wish he was here.  While he didn’t ever want to make a big deal out of his birthday, that just wasn’t an option when you are married to me.  I’d think long and hard on the menu, the gifts, etc.  When I think back to his last birthday, I obviously didn’t know at the time that it would be his last.  I’ve...
September 22, 2016