I can’t say enough good things about these Lavash wraps.  The texture, how easy they are to turn into wraps without tearing, how filling – I can’t wait to try making a pizza with one on my baking steel.

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I found them on the same aisle as the bread and tortillas at Walmart.  Although I will say that they are out of them a lot, so when I find them, I stock up.  I bought that package on May 26 – so with a use by date of June 10, they have a pretty good shelf life.  Not sure how they would be frozen and defrosted though.  I made a ham, egg white and lite mozzarella cheese wrap (6) with the sweetest strawberries for dessert.

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Even though I have a dedicated lunch from 12:30 – 1:30 so that I guarantee to leave my desk, I had a doc that needed to get out, so missed my window to walk with my sister.  I finally left at 1:15 and walked south and found another smaller farmers market.  You know I had to get some cheese – I’ll show you that later, but I got a $3 section of a spreadable white cheddar with a pistacchio crust – yum!  And I bought another basket of cremini mushrooms from River Valley Kitchens.


I recently received some turkey loot at my friends from Jennie-O Turkey.  I am a 2017 Ambassador for them, and was thrilled to try out this turkey.  I accidentally threw out the package, so thanks google for this pic.

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4 ounces for 2 points –I love that you can cut it thick or thin, It’s fully cooked so you could throw it in a fried rice, or in soup, or on top of a chopped salad.

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This sammie was delish – four ounces oc turkey (2), lite mozzarella (1), spinach, mustard, the lavash (2) and veggie straws (4) with sliced apple.  9 points for lunch.

I knew I wanted to grill last night, which meant I had to take into consideration how long it would take for my coals to get to temperature, so I had a Premier Protein shake on the train home.  I asked for a doppio shot in a Venti cup over ice.  It costs $2.17 and as luck would have it, I had $2.15 left on a gift card, so this only cost me two cents. Open-mouthed smile  I really love the caramel flavor.

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It’s the perfect snack because I didn’t walk in the door starving and eat my way through meal prep before my dinner is even ready.

I got more loot when I got home – this time from Simple Girl products.  You all know what a condiment whore I am, and when they told me that their products were low or no sugar, I was instantly intrigued.  You would be surprised at how much sugar is hidden in a lot of condiments.

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I decided to use the sample pack of the balsamic vinaigrette to marinate my veggies – the whole package was only 15 calories for 1.5 ounces and I marinated the veggies for about 30 minutes while I lit the grill and got everything else ready for dinner.

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If you are looking for a lean cut of beef, look for sirloin tip steak in your local grocery store.  It’s super tender, not a lot of fat, but just enough to give it some flavor.  This is the regular store price – $3.49 a pound.  I’ll easily get two more meals out of my steak – Jacob ate all of his.  😀

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5 ounces of beef is 4 points, 5.5 ounces potato (that I nearly burned!) was 4 and the rest is zero.

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These mushrooms are amazing!  they held onto the marinade.  I still can’t believe I didn’t like mushrooms until a few years ago.

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You know I am all about challenges – although sometimes I declare a challenge and then by day five just stop talking about it and pretend that I never joined a challenge.

But this one is different.  It’s a 30 Days of Brave Challenge.  It can be anything you want it to be.  You will get daily emails that will help reaffirm whatever it is that you choose.  For me?  Self-Love and no binge eating for 30 days.  And by binge eating I mean not eating half a bag of Doritos because they are in the pantry, or stopping at CVS on my way home to buy gummies.  No keeping food in my bedside table anymore (you know, just in case I have low blood sugar – can’t use that as an excuse to keep peanut m&m’s in there and eat them even if my blood sugar isn’t low).  You get the idea.

I plan on keeping up my journal for 30 days as well.  I know that keeps me focused too.   I just thought I would share this challenge in case it’s something that could help you along your journey, no matter what that is.

I can’t even believe it’s the last day of May already – this year is flying by.   Before we know it, we’ll start seeing school supplies at Walmart.

Make it a great day!  Let me know if you decide to join the challenge – there is strength in numbers! 😀