Stirfry Soup?

So I brought stuff to work to make stir fry, forgetting that I used up the last of my stir fry sauce last week.  Nertz!...
October 27, 2008

I came in second place!

In the Blogger Secret Ingredient – cranberries!  Check it out at  I made Christmas Morning Biscotti with dried cranberries and green pistachios.  Yum!  I...
October 27, 2008

The Story of Sachmo

When Hannah was little and she and I lived with my parents, one of the great holiday traditions was bringing out Sachmo.  Sachmo was a...
October 27, 2008

Sleepy Sunday

I slept in until 9:30 this morning – nice!  My blood sugar was kinda low this morning (68).  I wasn’t going to eat much because...
October 26, 2008

Yummy dinner

On the weekends, you would think that I would take Ed on longer walks, but life just gets in the way.  I did take him...
October 26, 2008

Quick lunch

We broke down our gazebo today, which officially means summer is over!   It’s kinda sad just to see the metal posts attached to the ground! ...
October 25, 2008

Wasn’t feelin it

I went downstairs to work out, but Ham Sandwich was there, and she was was watching some show on MTV and then flipping back and...
October 24, 2008