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Banana Buttermilk Pancakes

Banana Buttermilk Pancakes
I slept through my Weight Watchers meeting on Saturday.  Somewhat intentional and not intentional at the same time.  I’ve been off track since I had my cold and it’s taking me a while to get back on track.  I did step on my scale though, and if I remember correctly, I think I am up 1.4 for the week. I did a lot of meal...
August 28, 2017

Jalapeno Basil Corn Fritters

Jalapeno Basil Corn Fritters
I have a tiny confession to make.  I didn’t really didn’t care about the eclipse.  My brother?  He drove hundreds of miles and I am glad it was everything he expected, and I can’t wait to read his recap about it when he blogs about it. I’ll be sure to link his blog post here if you aren’t following him when he does. I wasn’t...
August 22, 2017

Cauliflower Mac N Cheese and Weekly WI

Cauliflower Mac N Cheese and Weekly WI
This weekend was the perfect balance of lazy, fun and productive.   After having a 20 point burger on Friday at lunch with my sister, I made this FIVE point pizza.  I used the Joseph’s lavash and after getting some tips on Instagram from people who’ve tried it, I baked this at 350 degrees on my baking steel for 10 minutes.  Lavash (2), my zero...
August 21, 2017

Garden Tomato Pasta Sauce

Garden Tomato Pasta Sauce
I am officially out of the Joseph’s pita bread.  But I do have lavash, and am thinking of making a giant pizza out of it tonight with the pasta sauce that I made last night.  Have you guys tried using lavash for pizza?  Just wondering how it holds up, or if it’s a knife and fork kind of pizza? We have a downstairs fridge that...
August 18, 2017

Stovetop Sauerkraut

Stovetop Sauerkraut
I had a couple mason jars in the work kitchen cabinet, and when I went to make my parfait yesterday they were both gone.  So I had to make a breakfast bowl parfait.  Chobani (2) topped with blackberries and banana, 1/4 cup granola (3) and a drizzle of sugar free syrup. It it was such a gorgeous day yesterday I didn’t want to come back...
August 16, 2017

Vegan Pita Bread and $1200 later

Vegan Pita Bread and $1200 later
About a month or more ago, you may remember that a branch from my tree hit my neighbors roof and put a dent in their gutter.  Because there was no damage to my property, my insurance wouldn’t cover it.  They claimed that the damage was $5,000, they had to file a claim with their insurance company and will have to have their fireplace rebuilt –...
July 26, 2017

Spicy Dry BBQ Rub

Spicy Dry BBQ Rub
Last Friday my sister and I finally got to do our Fun Food Friday together.  It had been a few weeks because of my sisters work schedule.  My boss had reservations at Petterino’s, which is a restaurant just a block from my office.  My boss had 1:00 reservations, and he had to cancel, so I asked if he minded if I took them (he’s a...
July 3, 2017

Greek Chickpea Salad

Greek Chickpea Salad
I know a lot of people would be upset at temps in the low 60s in the middle of June, but that is my favorite temperature.  Just cool enough to need a light jacket, but you aren’t sweating balls walking to work.  I really wished I could have worked outside yesterday!  Oh, but wait, when I did that, I worked farmers markets and had to...
June 20, 2017